Reflection on English Paper 1 (Mock Exam)

1. How might you comment more on the visual and structural devices throughout your essay?

I might talk about the visual devices in relation to the image and books. Looking at everything in detail but actually driving it further. It is also important to talk about the website conventions (structure) because this can be easily linked to themes. Driving upon the idea of donations and persuasiveness.

2. How might you embed more examples and unpack more effectively to support your arguments?

I think might embed more examples that use a variety of structural, visual, and lexical elements. This would help support my arguments. In addition, I should talk about things that can provide different insights and organize my arguments in a coherent manner.

3. How might you manage your time to provide a consistent and thorough analysis of both questions?

I think I should quote a certain amount of time for each essay. In addition, just narrow down two thesis strands perhaps. Or, make sure to get straight to the ideas.


Should talk about structural elements especially website conventions and this in relation to the message or themes.