Reflection on English Paper 1 (Mock Exam)

1. How might you comment more on the visual and structural devices throughout your essay?

I might talk about the visual devices in relation to the image and books. Looking at everything in detail but actually driving it further. It is also important to talk about the website conventions (structure) because this can be easily linked to themes. Driving upon the idea of donations and persuasiveness.

2. How might you embed more examples and unpack more effectively to support your arguments?

I think might embed more examples that use a variety of structural, visual, and lexical elements. This would help support my arguments. In addition, I should talk about things that can provide different insights and organize my arguments in a coherent manner.

3. How might you manage your time to provide a consistent and thorough analysis of both questions?

I think I should quote a certain amount of time for each essay. In addition, just narrow down two thesis strands perhaps. Or, make sure to get straight to the ideas.


Should talk about structural elements especially website conventions and this in relation to the message or themes.

ELP Paper 1 Reflection – Mars Water: will it be contaminated by Earth Cooties


  1. Focus on elements of cartoon + opinion
  2. Unpack the author’s craft elements
  3. Identify 2-3 main ideas
  4. Present evidence + analysis

Guiding Questions:

  1. How might you identify the author’s craft + text type concentrate better?

Understanding the text type allows you to understand the conventions and context, this helps with the macro analysis. The text type allows me to analyze quicker. It allows me to talk about how the visual and lexical elements of the text interplay with each other.

2. How might you focus your essay better with a clear discussion of author’s ideas/themes?

If I had focused on the author’s themes then I could have a clearer thesis. In addition, it allows me to group ideas and I should talk about both visual and lexical elements in each strand. Furthermore, I could link this with the 7 concepts.



  • Reading a bit faster
  • Look at materials (basically study)
  • Be aware of the time
  • Focus on 7 concepts
  • Visual and lexical elements
  • Focus on craft
  • Text type
  • Broader ideas that affect us

Learning Log Reflection Paper 1 – Dinosaur Blood

Guiding Questions:

1. How might you unpack the text by identifying literary and linguistic features and discuss how the author uses these to develop ideas/themes?


2. How might you use a clear P-E-A structure and avoid descriptions or summaries?


3. How might you better familiarise yourself to various text types?


4. How might you use read for implicit meaning and context?


5. How might you unpack the visual elements more efficiently



Identifying the linguistic and literary features, how the author utilizes this to develop these themes?

Recognize list:

Stylistic features how this drives meaning and implicit things that the author is trying to say?

An epic journey, we are a small thing part of a bigger thing. Catches the reader’s attention, talk to reader’s attentions.

What device is being used in non-literary passages.

English HL Essay Reflection 1 + Reflection 2

Reflection 1: 

  1. How might you use a thesis statement to provide the effect of the visual and lexical element of the text?

Use a thesis statement to provide the effect of ideas and how it has an impact on the reader. Big ideas (concepts) and themes are important to mention. They need to be rather larger ideas such as consumerism rather than surface-level things such as the “car”.

2. How might you embed evidence and unpack to avoid simply describing the text?

Use multiple pieces of evidence and go beyond just “describing” it. Provide insight relates to the context (author, themes, concerns, implications, and assumptions), purpose. Link to the big ideas (in thesis strands). Rather than just saying this “this draws the reader’s attention” or “this has an effect”, I need to link it insight, implications, context, or assumptions.

Look at thesis strands one by one, focusing and gathering as much evidence as possible. Additionally, looking at each thesis strand and all the evidence that is available to unpack at a deeper level (insight). The thesis strands need to be larger and be able to go further in insight. Planning is a very important aspect and in exam conditions, using the preparation time more properly. Applying my prior knowledge and understanding as well.

My planning has changed as I am more focused on the preparation and looking at each thesis stands as a bigger idea. Additionally, it is important to make sure that the thesis strands are not so similar.

I am making changes so I can give more insight into a better focus.


Reflection 2:

I have decided to change my body of work from P&G advertisements to Portrait of the Artist as Filipino as I feel there is a better grasp on Portrait. During the planning stage, I made sure to meticulously organize my notes from class and consolidate all the information. I used context documents, articles, classwork, and the notes from my booklet to create possible structured broad arguments that can be my thesis strands. From my notes, I have used major themes/concerns that can be my thesis stands of “Traditional” vs “Modern”. From these thesis strands, I have tried to narrow down some points that can have supporting evidence. I looked through my booklet and tried to make sure to choose well selected and diverse pieces of evidence.  Now, I am trying to unpack and construct a deeper analysis whilst linking back to my arguments. Another important thing I need to do is to make sure there is a smooth flow of cause and effect in this structured essay.

I need to construct my structure and points for how the coexistence causes the conflict, and perhaps what the conflict should look like?


Mr Hands Task


  • Norma’s narrative voice & the use of irony

The juxtaposition between language and surroundings.

Romanticize the situation. This is a default for Norma as Roy was never allowed to deal with his trauma, therefore Norma’s way of dealing with traumatic instances, or situations that do not confide to how she thinks things are supposed to be, is to idealize the situation.

  •  The relationship between comedy and threat

Rawle uses slapstick descriptions of what’s happening in the scene as a way of displaying Norma’s incompetence to deal with difficult situations. This is because of Roy’s inability to deal with his grief. Roy was never been taught how to deal with tough situations, therefore when Norma is put into difficult situations (such as her interaction with Mr.Hands) we see Roy resort to covering up the reality of the situation as a default.

The comedic tone adds to the pathos felt for the character, as it is clear she is unable to deal with the real threat she is in. Norma has been able to convince herself so fully that Mr.Hands is the perfect man, she constructs the situation as almost like a movie scene in her mind. Therefore, the threat is so evident when we see this construction begin to break apart. this is seen in both the typography and words are more disjointed and divided, and the gross descriptions.

Where do I live?

What do you consider are your prized possessions?

  • My basketball
  • My watch

Who are the people you consider your family?

  • My basketball teams
  • My friends
  • Mom and dad

What does “safe” look like to you?

  • Safe looks like when everyone around me is doing well and is around me having fun.
  • Safe might be Boston or Seoul.

What image represents all your longing, desire, desperation, and hope?

  • Everyone I love in the backyard having a cookout on a warm summer night.


How to attract women without even trying

How to attract women without even trying is an advertisement published in a newspaper during 1967. The intention of the advertisement is to advertise a guide on how men can draw in women without making an effort. As the advertisement is published in Symphony Inc, it can be established that the target audience here is an American. Specifically, the guide here is targeted at most likely single men looking to pick up women or potentially men who struggle to attract women. The guide consists of top tips to the art of seduction, how to pick up women and how to talk to them. The main purpose of the text is to advertise the guide to readers of the newspaper. However, the other purpose is to convince and persuade the target audience to buy the guide. The guide uses language features (typography, punctuation), advertising techniques, visual and lexical elements to convince readers to purchase the guide.


The author uses typography to develop a closer relationship, almost as it seems like its a conversation with the producer and the reader. The headline says, “HOW TO ATTRACT WOMEN WITHOUT EVEN TRYING”. Here the headline is in bold and large font which enforces the purpose of the advertisement and explains the main idea of the text. The bold and large font of the headline attracts the attention of the reader and almost makes it seem like the reader is being lured in (developing a relationship between the reader and producer). Furthermore, in the text, the guide’s name is underlined “The Passive Man’s Guide to Seduction”. Showing the importance of what ideas are being discussed. The tone created here by the author is that the guide is accurate and will have an effect. The mood felt by the audience is the importance of being passive and how it will lead them to success in picking up women. The producer also uses punctuation to draw the attention of the audience. The use of the exclamation marks also emphasize the

Unpack the visual and lexical elements


In a Woman’s World by Graham Rawle, through the text, he portrays a women’s identity by challenging the status quo, bringing an idea of gender expectations and emphasizing gender roles, this is all packed up by a context of Western Culture magazines.

To begin with, on page one, Graham uses an atypical style with short concise bullet points this could link to 3 step rules (how a woman is supposed to act in certain situations), emphasizing the gender roles. Furthermore, Graham uses a italics cut out to question the reader and possibly challenge the status quo. It is clear that the two people talking in the pages are Roy and the narrator. In the next page, using typography “YES, YOUNG MAN, IM TALKING ABOUT YOU” the font and text size are quite bold and large. Here it is questioning the reader and creating a bold tone. Here, this may be related to gender roles as females in the book have a gender expectation, while here the male is being pointed out and possibly needs to change ways. There are more literary devices used here with metaphors/similies. The cup of tea is used as a metaphor for doing something slowly, this may be the fact that not much development has occurred with gender roles. The visual element of the cup of tea also plays into effect as it brings in the Western UK cultural context. The cup of tea could also be symbolization which could symbolize a delicate/sensitive issue.