Tag Archives: characteristics

The Role of Genetics

What do you think now about the role of genetics in determining your character? Has the information you have heard changed your mind or confirmed your beliefs?

Before listening to each presentation on different topics and whether or not genetics or environment had a bigger influence on them, I was leaning more towards the nurture side of this heavily discussed argument. However, after expanding my knowledge on topics such as: Intelligence, Violence, Gender, Diseases and Disorders, and Gender Identity, I have gained mixed thoughts. It really depends on the topic and how far it has been researched and studied. Some topics like Intelligence, are mostly influenced by nurture, whilst others like Diseases and Disorders, are mostly influenced by nature.

Overall, my thinking has changed. After learning about the different genes that determine our different characteristics, I have realised how influential genetics is on our behaviour, our ability in different skills, our health, and quite significantly, how we identify ourselves. The information that I heard was quite surprising, and I think that it’s significant to be aware of what makes us, us.

At first, I believed that, for example, I am not violent because my parents aren’t violent; Therefore, my environment has had an influence on me, because I have learnt from my parents, who I have been around with for my whole life. However, as we discuss this debate, it has got me thinking that maybe the reason I am not violent is because of my genes. My parents aren’t violent, so their genes have been passed onto me. After thinking more deeply, I do play Touch Rugby, which doesn’t have physical contact, but once in a while it could. Although, this hasn’t changed my behaviour,  even though I have been playing it for several years.

It’s safe to say that genetics have an incredibly large role in determining our character and who we become. I believe that it is significant to understand that not everything we do plays a role in who we are, and maybe it is already planted in us, ever since we entered this world. I conclude with my thinking been changed, and myself being more aware of who and what has had and will have an influence on me.