Tag Archives: Paradigm Shift

Paradigms and Perceptions

Paradigm Definition – A mental model which helps us organise our reasoning and create knowledge.

Examples Discussed/RLEs:

  • Buzz’s ‘paradigm shift’ in toy story. In the clip shown we could see how as the events unfolded, buzz’s mentality changed throughout as he found himself in new circumstances. A quick summary would be that Buzz initially thought that he could not overcome a challenge and the TV advert showed him that he could. Yet he soon realised that this was not reality. This change in beliefs is a representation of paradigm shifts and how new ideas and perspectives can change our own beliefs.
  • This brings in the idea of how paradigms shifts can occur, which is perspective. In the example shown on slide 14, the zoomed in image offered a view of a man that looked angry and scary. However, when the same image was zoomed out the same man appeared to be frightened and scared for his own life. This shows how in the real world one would always have different perspectives which then affect our paradigms. Being exposed to new perspectives can occur when we experience new things and meet new people and thus look at things with an alternative perspective.
  • In the following slides we discussed how other people from different backgrounds would feel about different things.
  • What I found most striking was the robbery paradigm which shows how as humans we automatically assume things and make generalisations based upon what we have seen before. This shows how we can perhaps never not be bias and that our previous experiences will always, whether subconscious or not, influence the way we form opinions and ideas.

Conceptual Understanding(s):

  • The perspectives we contain, which are determined from our cultural backgrounds, affect the personal knowledge we obtain.