Karate (All belts) Reflection

I have passed my grading successfully for yellow belt in December and is working towards yellow black/ green. However, when one reaches yellow belt, karate becomes very technique based and one really needs to practise and learn the techniques precisely if one wants to achieve a good grade. In the next grading on April 29th, I would have to remember all the katas and leg katas since white, orange and blue-black, whilst also remembering how to do the new katas- eg. yantsu,  perfectly. From yellow belt on, the techniques are increasingly harder. I have decided to dedicate my every Wednesday after school to this activity.

I personally need to practise more, and also be more resilience when I am in combat and doing practices. my goal is not to feel tired even after the warmups in order to increase my stamina.

This links to Learning Outcome 1 and 2, as I am able to reflect upon my personal strengths and weaknesses in regards to the activity, and strive to be better at it. I hope the next time I do a reflection on karate I will already be green belt.


Link to Yantsu:


On Lian He Zao Bao during grading:

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One thought on “Karate (All belts) Reflection”

  1. Well done for reaching your goal of gaining your yellow belt. You mention that the techniques are harder? How are you getting on with this? You have been doing this activity for many seasons now, what does this tell us about your commitment and perseverance? (LO4). This might be a useful way to reflect on all your hard work.

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