What do i want to achieve by the end of grade 9?

What do I want my high school journey to look like?

For me, I think high school is about pushing yourself to the limit. So naturally I don’t want it to be all plain sailing and I know it won’t be. With every bump in the road, there are many new challenges that come along and help you test yourself. All in all, I don’t want my high school journey to be smooth and I know it won’t be but I will accept all the challenges that come and try and overcome them as best as I possibly can. By the end of the year, I want to be able to Balance My sports, academic and social life.

Has Technology change the way you relate with others?

I think that technology has really influenced the way we interact with others and the way we communicate with other is the modern era. Like every new way of doing something, this has its ups and downs. Using things like Skype can be really useful when keeping touch with people overseas whether that be family or friends. Social media can also be a way to keep in touch with people and knowing what they are doing and when they are getting up to in the new chapter of their life. There are also some disadvantages to online communication, Such as use for the wrong reason and potentially the exposure to inappropriate sites news etc.