Reflection on ‘Grand Paradigms’

Resources Used: 

Slideshow on ‘Grand Paradigms’.

-Link to video clip from Toy Story where Buzz realises he is not a real space Ranger after all.

1) In your view, how might the video to any of the ‘Grand Paradigms’ that we looked at today?

In my opinion, I feel that Buzz’s realisation that he is not a real space Ranger in the video parallels the shift that perhaps occured when we transitioned from the classical paradigm/modern paradigm to the post-modern paradigm. Firstly, I feel that it is important to establish what paradigms refer to. Paradigms are a distinct set of concepts, a pattern of thoughts or standards that constitute legitimate contributions to a particular field. It essence, they are the dominant discourse. Consequently, significant changes in the paradigms of concepts such as that of human existence can have major consequences – demanding reappraisal. In addition, when the innate egoist nature of animals is considered (which can be seen as a reductionist view), it is no surprise that when one finds that their existence – their lives, their choices and their feelings – are ultimately inconsequential in the face of the vast universe, that it is difficult to digest. After all, in our minds, the world constantly (yet inevitably) revolves around us. In the movie, Buzz is anthropomorphised and therefore his reaction reflects that of ours as humans. When he is shown that what he has believed in for so long is not true, it terrifies him because he is now faced by the unknown.


2) Later in the movie, Buzz gets over the dismay that we see in this clip.  (Don’t worry if you have not seen the movie).  Why do you think this might be?

(I haven’t watched the movie but) I think that despite knowing the ‘truth’, perhaps Buzz resorts to what we ourselves are often guilty of: denial. As humans, when we are confronted with the choice to continue living as we have always have in the past or to instead tackle the new – we often choose the former because it feels more safe and comfortable when we have all the answers. We ignore what we don’t know even when we are are subconsciously aware that it exists. And in the end, if doing so doesn’t hurt anyone, what have we got to lose? After all – does it really matter what we choose to believe when we are our existence is ultimately so inconsequential?


3) What’s your reaction to these these paradigms?  How do they appeal to you /repel you?

Personally I believe that there has been value in all the different paradigms to do with human existence that have existed thus far in the past. After all these paradigms are an ever-evolving reflection of how we as humans interpret the new knowledge that we come to possess. They help people to acclimatise to the changes that we counter in our quest to further progress and become more and more intelligent. Therefore it is less a matter of them appealing or repelling to us and more of how much of our thoughts we can see mirrored in them. After all, we feel a sense of security and comfort when we know that other’s see the world in the same way that we do. Undeniably, there is strength in numbers.

If you ask me, I feel that no single paradigm that speaks to me. I see a level of substance behind each of them. To me they are ‘food for thought’. However thinking too much doesn’t get me anywhere because no matter how much I think, I am confronted with questions I do not have the answers to. And so, I believe the smartest thing to do when we are faced with the concept of our existence as humans is to just keep on living as we do – in a pursuit to become smarter (and hope that one day we might stumble upon this supposed ‘truth’.)

The Ancient Tradition Of Empurfe Followed by The Plepeo

Empurfe is the name of a magical potion that the majority of plepeo (who are found around the world) make use of. Whilst not all plepeo are knowledgeable in the art of making this potion, it is a skill that can be learned. The first empurfe maker has been traced as far back as the dawn of civilization.

Throughout history, various empurfe’s have been employed for a range of purposes: a sign to mark one’s individuality,  boost one’s self esteem or even invoke one’s memories. What’s more, investigations revealed that empurfe’s are often used in attempt to attract potential mates.

This potion can be prepared at home, or bought. Most often even small amounts of strong potions do not come at cheap price. After all, specific empurfe’s require a mixtures of ingredients – some of which can be expensive or difficult to obtain. Ingredients used in the preperation of these potions come only from the most carefully selected sources. Examples of such ingredients includes: ambergris (material found in digestive tract of sperm whales), caviar harvested from the fish eggs of a sturgeon fish, human secretions (eg.sweat, spit, urine), labdanum (combed from the thighs of goats that touched rockrose shrubs), skatole (a chemical found in feces and coal tar), cactus or even roses. One of the most popular potions even requires castoreum (secretions from anal glands of beavers).

According to the legends of the plepeo, empurfe’s have magical and intoxicating properties. However, the plepeo believe that in order to ascertain that the spell they cast is as strong as it can be, a ritual must be followed. Only a specified amount of content from the potion must be drawn. It must then be applied and rubbed onto certain areas of the body. Too less, and the spell will not be cast. Too much and the spell can have undesired consequences. Those knowledgable in the art of empurfe-making claim that the potion will draw the heat out from the bodies of plepeo to spread and take effect – infecting others. The plepeo claim that similar to other spells, the effects of these potions are only temporary but that certain potions can work longer than others.

Lastly it was discovered that plepeo take special precautions when storing their potions. The life or effectiveness of the empurfe is believed to be drastically affected by exposure to water, humidity and changing temperatures. Therefore, most plepeo hide their the potions in cool, dark and dry locations.

Reflections on Privilege & Paradigms

Resources Explored:

Please explain what links you are making between this idea of privilege and paradigms. Can you draw on your own experiences of your own privilege here?


1. This is written by someone whose original field was that of power through the lens of gender.  Describe how she sees that field extending into the field power through the lens of race.

Even today, if not especially in today’s world, race and gender continue to play a significant role in the construction of our identities. Whilst today, gender is represented by a spectrum, historically, it has been predominantly recognized as binary. Similarly, in the United States, there has always been a fixed perception of the two preeminent races: European American (or White) and African American (or Black). Thus, the lens through which one may look at the phenomena that occur between the two genders can in many ways be extended to the two racial groups. The author then uses this to compare the arguably indisputable historical superiority and privilege of men against women, to that of European Americans against African Americans. Through this initial discussion of gender, the author utilizes an example that is relevant to everybody regardless of race, which also acts as a precursor, strengthening the understanding behind the argument which can be made about the prevalence of the hierarchy between the two racial groups. 


2. Explain her concept of the idea of ‘privilege’. Do you find this a helpful notion?  Explain your thinking, using examples from your own experience if you can.

Although it is a reductionist approach, the author’s view of privilege is encapsulated by the presence of having “unearned” and “unfair” advantages and disadvantages. For those who are ‘privileged,’ it is as though they possess a collection of “assets,” which others do not. Personally, I found this to be a very helpful notion in conveying what privilege is in its essence. Before actively seeking out resources in order to educate myself on this subject, I too was under the assumption that my moral state as an individual depended on my individual moral will. However, I realize now that this is not true. The reality is that we are part of a bigger community whether we want to be or not. Therefore, it becomes our responsibility to acknowledge the privilege which we may or may not possess as result of a “damaged culture.” To be ignorant to it, would be to accede to the norms that this culture continues to perpetuate. 


3. Pick one of her items on the list of 50 that elicited a reaction in you.  Explain your reaction.

#6 – I can turn on the television or open the front page of the paper and see people of my race widely represented.

My one true love has and will forever be– reading. Before I was brave enough to go and explore the world by myself, I lived vicariously through books. In fact, I still continue to. One thing that I can distinctly remember is that the first book set I read, always  had stories that ended with a ‘moral of the story’. Upon reflection, I have subconsciously carried that practice with me ever since– finding the moral to every story. With each book that I read, I carry forward important messages and life lessons– not only at the end of the story, but throughout. Ultimately, I believe that every story– nonfiction or fiction has a worthwhile takeaway. 

Something that came to my attention recently, when an Malaysian author came to our school to talk about her latest book was the representation of culture in literature. Point #6 brought this to the forefront of my mind. As an avid reader, I myself have begun to notice that I rarely saw myself in terms of culture in what I read. Instead the majority of it felt westernised. Westernization is deemed a process whereby societies come under or adopt Western cultures: norms, customs, lifestyle, traditions, etc. And whilst, it’s untrue to claim that there is a complete lack of representation of other cultures in literature, the truth is that there is a major imbalance. The vast majority of books available to kids today are undeniably westernized. Even the representation of other cultures is westernized to fit the pallet of a western audience. Televisions shows and other forms of media are no exception to this. At the end of the day, for most of us, does literature not play a huge role in shaping our thoughts as human beings? And if so, is it fair for kids to grow up being exposed to literature that does not represent their varying cultural backgrounds? 


4. Explain what you think is the most important point from the ‘Elusive and Fugitive’ section.

To me, the most notable point addressed in the ‘Elusive and Fugitive’ section was how for those in positions of privilege, the pressure to avoid it is great. The possession of privilege grants a license to a selected few in society “to be ignorant, oblivious, arrogant, and destructive.” It opens doors for “certain people through no virtues of their own.” And if we are honest with ourselves, who would not subconsciously favour being a recipient of such advantages? Only when we ourselves do not find ourselves in “favored states” do we demand acknowledgement of such distinctions. Furthermore, the reality is that a majority of these conditions of privilege are not only “earned or conferred by birth or luck,” they “work systematically.” Thus it is our responsibility to actively advocate against this system that empowers certain groups at the cost of others. 

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