Gym & Yoga: Reflection 1 (LO1)

LO1 – Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth. Students are able to see themselves as individuals with various abilities and skills, of which some are more developed than others.

Growing up, I’d never been the fastest kid in my PE class and was rarely the first to be chosen when teams were picked for games. Whilst this did not devastate me, it saddened me to feel as though I rarely excelled at sports in the same way that my peers did. It was a bit later that I found out that I had inherited thalassemia minor from one of my parents. Other than learning that it meant that I would face mild anaemia day-to-day, I didn’t know much about it. I never wanted to give it any true importance, because I felt that it should not dictate how I live my life. Other than eating iron rich foods at home, we never discussed it further.

I only ever become truly curious about it, when I started to notice that I would constantly get tired faster and more easily than my friends during school trips, sports, and other activities. As a result of it affecting energy in my day-to-day life and more specifically my physical fitness, I decided to find out more about it. Through some research, and visits to the doctor I learnt that Beta thalassemia is a blood disorder that limits the production of haemoglobin (an iron-containing protein in red blood cells that carry oxygen to cells throughout the body). Whilst this is not life threatening unlike thalassemia major, as a result of the low levels of haemoglobin, there can be a lack of oxygen in various parts of the body. Furthermore, patients also tend to have a shortage of red blood cells resulting in anaemia which causes pale skin, weakness, fatigue and other such complications.

During middle school, I participated in the school badminton and basketball team, however as the workload increased in high school, I felt more and more tired and was unable to balance the commitment. I especially enjoyed playing badminton, and was really devastated that I was not able to play any sport – much less badminton.  Before the summer of grade eleven, I decided I wanted to take up a physical activity that I could balance better with my studies and which would have flexible timings. As grade eleven started, I had made up my mind. I wanted to start going to the gym, as well as do some yoga at home under the guidance of a trainer. I used to go the gym previously when I had quit school sports teams I had been part of, but I had only ever really used the treadmill. An activity that I had enjoyed (despite its difficulty) in the past was Lesmil’s Body Pump that I had done during school PE lessons. Some goals I want to set for myself this year are:

  • To maintain a healthy diet that helps increases my energy levels.
  • To drinks lots of water during the day.
  • To stay consistent with my workout routine.
  • To increase my stamina and fitness.
  • Explore strength training.
  • To be more familiar with different equipment in the gym and learn new exercise techniques.

Escrito Sobre La Brecha Generacional


Las relaciones entre padres e hijos no resultan siempre fáciles porque existe una brecha generacional. Por ejemplo, hoy te has sentido muy incomprendido en casa. Escribe en un texto como te sientas y por qué razón. 

Un poco sobre mi:

Hola a todos alumnos de UWCSEA. Soy Shruti Doshi. Tengo dieciséis años y estudio en el grado once.

Hoy, yo quiero hablar sobre nuestras relaciones con nuestros padres. La mayor parte de tiempo, queremos a nuestros padres pero también discutimos mucho con ellos porque existe una brecha generacional entre nosotros.

Por ejemplo, hoy me he sentido muy incomprendida en mi casa. Quería salir con mis amigos fuera y llevaba un vestido que era solo un poco corto pero mi madre no lo permitió. Yo he tratado de decir que no es extraño porque todas mis amigas y otras chicas llevan ropa que es más corta que mi vestido pero mi madre no me escuchó. Ella dijo que no era adecuado para una chica salir así. 

Yo sé que en el tiempo de mi madre, tenían reglas más estrictas para chicas pero no es los mismo hoy porque el mundo ha cambiado. La moda de hoy es muy moderna pero muchas veces, nuestros padres no pueden comprenderlo porque no tienen una mentalidad abierta. 

Por otro lado, yo se que mi madre solo me dijo porque ella me quiere – como otras madres. Por eso yo pienso que es esencial que nosotros tratemos de explicar nuestros puntos de vista. No es bueno para ellos o nosotros si peleamos.

Finalmente, lo comprendan o no, es importante que nosotros respetemos a nuestros padres porque ellos son mayores que nosotros, (a veces ellos saben más que nosotros) y nos aman. Me gustaría pensar que si hacemos esto, es posible que en el futuro ellos vean nuestras punto de vista. 

Esta es mi opinión, pero me gustaría leer vuestras opiniones debajo en los comentarios. 

Por ahora, adios! 

Dragon Ventures: Reflection 1 (LO1)

LO1 – Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth. Students are able to see themselves as individuals with various abilities and skills, of which some are more developed than others. 

From the first moment I sat in my IGCSE Enterprise class back in ninth grade, I knew I was in love. Growing up watching shows like Shark Tank and Dragon’s Den, entrepreneurship has always had a special place in my heart. For my class, I had started an enterprise named ‘The Noodle Bar’ with three other classmates at school, and having made profits by the end, it had been a successful venture. Whilst I may not be sure about pursuing business as a career at the moment, I hope to continue to dedicate some of my time to explore this area. To do this, I felt that Dragon Ventures would be a great creative activity to take part in. 

However, before determining the perfect group to open up a business with, I felt that it would be important to identify and reflect upon my own skills and attributes. This in turn, could give me clarity on what I could bring to the table and the areas in which I need to grow. Post which, I would be better suited to recruit the ideal team member/s whose skills go hand in hand with my own. From what I’ve learnt in IGCSE, every entrepreneur should possess a few basic personality traits. Some of which include leadership, resilience, a spirit for collaboration, versatility, dedication and passion. I felt my strong suit had to be leadership and creativity. When I am passionate about a project, I am hardworking, tenacious and a risk taker. On the other hand, an area of improvement and a goal I want to work towards would be my interpersonal skills. I hope to increase my confidence when speaking or pitching ideas to larger groups of audiences. 


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