HS Typing Rebellion: Reflection 2 (LO2 & LO4)

LO2- Challenge

Undertaken new challenges & developing new skills.

LO4- Commitment

Showing perseverance, resilience.

Unfortunately for this last term of grade eleven, we were unable to attend HS Typing Rebellion because of the COVID situation. However, I asked myself – how I could use the skills I developed in this activity in other areas of my life? I’m really grateful for CAS, because it was due to my reflections in past activities/services that have helped me to grow and inspired me to ask these sort of questions to myself.

A recent instance I could quote occurred when I faced a challenge in school before we had moved to online learning. I had just completed a mock exam during my psychology class and come to the realisation that I wasn’t able to include everything I wanted in my response due to the lack of sufficient time. I found that the Psychology exam papers demanded a significant amount of writing in a relatively short time frame. This sparked my determination. I had recently heard from both a friend and my parents that their schools had required them to learn cursive when they were young because it helps students to write faster.

I realised that the aim of this activity could be very much relevant to writing by hand as well. Both are forms of communication that are significant in a student’s life. I realised that I could maintain my motivation for this activity by applying it to writing.

Hence, over that weekend, I set my mind to learning this new skill. I retrieved my sister’s old cursive books and got to it. Something I found challenging was that there were a few books from the cursive series that were missing. However, to overcome this challenge, I attempted to employ a combination of book-based learning and youtube videos on the internet. Although in the past I may have thought it was childish to use books meant for kids to learn cursive, I was surprisingly unfazed and this really meant a lot to me because it signalled my growth mindset. That weekend, I ended up spending the entirety of the next week writing all my notes on my different subjects in cursive (on paper and on my Ipad). My commitment had a really positive impact on the success I had in learning cursive. Since, then I’ve been practicing my cursive everyday. I think what really affected my commitment levels and ability to persevere was the benefits that this activity would bring to me as a student. And I experience this as well, because not only did learning cursive help me to write faster on paper, but it also helped to digitally write more efficiently on my iPad (on which previously I used to take ages to write neatly).

Attached below are some images showcasing my journey.


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