Maths & Me

Past Math Experience: IGCSE International Mathematics

To me, math is a puzzle. There is a question and there is an answer. There may be many ways to figure out which piece fits where, you simply have to choose one and solve it. When my understanding of concepts is thorough, I enjoy solving questions and challenging myself. The International Baccalaureate programme is the last step on the ladder that is school. In consequence, I feel apprehensive that the difficulty will increase and I will struggle to cope. When it comes to learning mathematics, I am not opposed to working things out for myself. However, if there is a strict timeline associated with the course and assessments involved, I prefer simply being taught or explained the concept. In past experiences when I have felt ‘stuck’ in mathematics, I have simply reached out to teachers, friends or family. I have attempted to take their help in learning the concept better and feeling more confident with it. And a little bit of practice afterwards never hurt me either! My biggest strength in learning mathematics may be my curiosity. Unless and until I have completely understood a topic, I am not happy with it. I believe it is important to always ask questions to clear your doubts no matter how silly your questions may be. One of my biggest areas of focus for mathematics in the first few weeks of grade eleven may be to be persistent in my practice and revision. Overall, I’m really looking forward to learning new concepts in maths this year.