Solar for East 2nd reflection

Today was our first installation since March 2020. Our aim for this installation was to set up an array of 18 panels from the span of 3:30-6:30. Evidently, this event required significant amounts of planning (thereby targeting LO3- demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience), requiring even more cautiousness in light of  restrictions. As the chair/leader of my service I worked closely with my partner Ayasha to establish a day where the majority of group member could attend the installation. This was done through google surveys in which I had to construct well in advance in order to provide time and flexibility in case of changes. We also had to make small groups of 5 (the restricted number) but also ensure that people from different grade levels where combined a well as a reasonable ability and understanding of how to instal the solar panels, which is knowledge only the senior members had. For me, it was relatively difficult to contribute immediately as I had to first familiarise myself with how to instal the panel. Another requirement in planning was the logistics behind the whole event. We had to email secretaries and ensure parent approval was given in time as well as having sustained supervision throughout the whole event. Hence, I can reflect that the event took a lot of considerate planning beforehand which was essential in order to execute our installation efficiently and correctly.


Another vital skill that was important throughout the whole process was collaboration (LO5 – demonstrate the skills and benefits of working collaboratively). I believe we were all dedicated towards this event which therefore translated to motivation amongst members. This was vital as we had to endure through hot, dry conditions, comprising of thirst and sweat! I believe we were especially effective in the beginning of the process where we established a routine for everybody to pass the materials, across one large line. The person at one end would distribute a piece of equipment eg) joints, and the person on the other end would place it in it’s correct location. The people between the line helped pass the materials down which appeared more time effective instead of individually walking to and from the stash of materials. Collaboration was also demonstrated when senior members who were more experienced and familiar with the panels, helped new members instal the panel. Personally, I benefitted from one of my group members helping me place the joints correctly. Within 20 minutes, I immediately understood the concept and was able to work amongst others to place and instal the panels effectively. The progression of our understanding was definitely shown throughout, as the speed of installation increased significantly from 5-6:30pm. This shows how our team was able to advance cohesively through the load of panels to instal, and highlighted the importance of helping each other.

After the installation, our supervisor suggested we do a SWOT analysis in order to clearly identify potential areas of development for future installations, thereby targeting LO1- identify strengths and develop areas for growth. The SWOT analysis allowed us to do a holistic assessment of the installation, targeting all strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats, as seen below. One of my main concerns was the packaging of the joints and the way it was disposed of, so my goal is to help manage our waste disposal and reducing our consumption of packaging, in light of our next installation.

Therefore, I can conclude our installation was relatively successful, despite not completely fulfilling our goal of 18 panels, we still developed many skills and new learnings in which will make our next installation even more successful.

#LO1 #LO5 #LO3

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