Comparison of 2 Physiologist throughout History

Charles Darwin & Franz Joseph Gall (Phrenology)

Both Darwin and Gall focused on humans and how we work, but the difference between their studies is that while Gall studied about the human brain and the different functions, Darwin studied about human evolution and how we got to where we are and how we(and our brains) function the way we do. Gall is said to introduce the detailed study of Phrenology, which is the study of the human brain(cranium). Phrenology is based on the concept that the brain is an organ of the mind, each area of the brain has a specific and unique function. Darwin, on the other hand, is most famous for his research, development, and proposition of human evolution. His evolution theory has had significant effects on science and the way we now view life. Darwin is also famous for his idea of animal selection, as before him, many naturalists believed were ‘unchanging’ and were designed for only one specific environment.

Darwin and Gall both collected their research in different ways, while Gall decided to study medicine in the University of Stratsburg and focused his time and research into educating himself and studying. Meanwhile Darwin embarked on a 5 year survey voyage around the world, focusing on a more interactive way of researching his study of the different people around the world which lead him to develop his theory of evolution.

First Week

During the first day of IB yesterday, I have gotten a chance to get back into school mode and meet many new people, giving me a bit of insight to the next two years here for IB. During yesterdays assembly, it was highlighted that we now have much more responsibility as ‘white shirts’ as we are now going to be viewed as role models for the grades below. This comes with having to manage and organize our time and work very well, which is something I think I will need to work on.

With the upcoming EE’s, IA’s and CAS, organization and time management will be a very important factor in getting them done on time, and good quality. But overall I am excited and nervous too to start the new year 🙂