Final reflection

After some months of participating in MINDs Tampines, I have really enjoying my time in this service. It is a really collaborative and enjoyable service, where mix service and fun very well together. Although the main purpose of the service is to come and dance with our clients, it is a very collaborative service as well, as when we dance together we are facing together as a group, and working together to entertain our clients. We have also had sessions in which the clients don’t come to school, and we sit together and discuss what is going well, what needs improving, and how we are going to improve. We have shared with each other about what everyone individually thinks is going well, and also compliment each other on what we think is going best with them if they re contributing well in the group. Something that is also really effective, is when we watch a video of ourselves during the session in which the clients came, and we reflect on how we acted, if anyone was just dancing with their friends without a client, and we give feedback to each other and share ideas on what we can do next time to prevent that from happening as much as we can. I feel like during these sessions, everyone in the team is willing to help others and work collaboratively to give feedback and work together to come up with new ideas and methods to improve our service work.

Something that I have also learnt from this service is about the significance of working with metalling impaired clients. I have never worked with mentally disabled clients before during service, so this experience has really opened my eyes to that issue. This new experience has really educated me on the issue on how not all mentally disabled people have a support system like our clients do, a well as how their disability affects their life. I think that issues like this should have more awareness and help as it is a big issue in the world, and not as looked at as other issues in the world right now. I’m really intrigued by issues like this regarding then brain and such, so I feel really grateful to be able to have been educated this way as it is a really impacting experience. U also learnt about the choice we make around them and how we have to be careful with how we acted as they were a lot more sensitive than the people we are normally surrounded by. Our actions and words towards them could have a bigger impact on them than we anticipated, therefore we had to learn to be more sensitive as well towards them. There were some times were some students felt a bit uncomfortable with maybe the way our clients were communicating with us or perhaps how close they would get to us, but we discussed during our classroom sessions, that even if we felt uncomfortable we couldn’t publicly express that but instead speak to a teacher or staff privately regarding the matter. This would be because we didn’t want to make the clients feel bad or make them uncomfortable as they are much more sensitive than we are. This was a very important thing to think about ever session we had with MINDS.

Final reflection

After taking swimming back up for a year now, I have been able to reflect on the past couple of months. I have come across issues regarding the commitment I have made to the sport, and have had to deal with them. Although I have been able to learn and develop some of my skills in swimming, I have come across challenges that seem to be getting in the way a little bit as well. These challenges are many regarding my commitment to the activity.(LO2) As I can choose the days that I go, I find that I have been not as regular in my training as I would have liked. With lots of work from school, I have found that once I get home from school, I would much rather prefer to take a nap than go to swimming. Although this is the case, my mother does remind me that this is a commitment that I have made and I need to be more present in trainings. My participation in the activity has not been very good recently, as even when I do go to training, I don’t seem to be as engaged as my other team members as my head is normally somewhere else. When it comes to sport or exercise, I tend to enjoying working alone and focusing on myself rather than working as a team, which is something that I have had to work on the past few years, being part of a team. I find that during trainings, I am more detached than my teammates, not as involved as they are, or as interesting and dedicated than them. In order to improve on these issues, I think I need to work on my time management at home, making sure I have enough time for everything, and still leaving time to go to training. Managing my time to make sure that I have time for a nap if I need one, without disrupting my scheduled activists, such as swimming. This is going to be a difficult job to do as I tend to be a procrastinator and put work till last minute, which is when I have to go swimming, but then I have work to do that takes up that time.

Final reflection

Coming to the end of my touch rugby experience this year, I have had such a good opportunity to not only learn new things, but also work with new people from different grades, or even people in my grade then I haven’t had a chance to work with ever before.

I collaborated with lots of different people. not only people in my own team, but also people other teams as we sometimes trained together and worked together. Trying to work effectively with new people can sometimes be very difficult and frustrating, especially when they are people in different grades as you. I found this challenging but it never was too much for me to handle, in my team I had a couple of people who were in my grade and I was familiar with, although it wasn’t like we were close friends, but it was securing to have people that I still knew and we got to bond together due to that experience. We faced some challenges when working together, as some people were in different levels of skills and we easily got frustrated with each other if someone wasn’t preforming properly in the eyes of another team member. Although this did not happen to often, out coach would help us working together and make sure we weren’t wasting any time by talking or bickering in any way. As a team sport, collaboration is an incredibly important aspect as without the team we can’t play, and in order to play well a team relationship must be created so we can effectively communicate and collaborate during training and during games(LO5). I think in the end we all managed to work together as a team nicely, and I think everyone learnt more skills about how to work together well as a team with people you aren’t familiar with.

Initial Reflection

This year, I will participated in Kahaani for the first time. I’m in the bollywood/hardcare dance on Thursdays. I have never before in my life been in a dance performance such as Kahaani. It was a very new experience for me as I haven’t danced before or performed in from of an audience in a lot time.

Starting this new experience with Kahaani, there are some things that I need to think about in order to properly do my best in it. In order to do so, I need to become more aware of my strengths and weaknesses when it comes to something like this, which I have never done before. I have had no previous experiences like Kahaani and it is a very new so I think that some of my weaknesses will be the commitment that is required to work at something like this for a longer period of time. I am also not used to working in a group and collaborating in such a way that everything must be done together and you have to be conscious of everyone else. In order to improve this I think I just need to try my hardest to be there for rehearsal every time and to stay focused during, to not distract anyone or get distracted myself. I will also try to contribute as much as I can if needed, to give feedback to the dance leader and be part of the group as much as I can. Another big weakness I will experience during this is my dance skills, I don’t have any since I’ve never been in a proper dance like this before so I will also have to try my best to practice and memorise the dance moves. Some of my strengths for this could be that I am a really good listener, and I always try my best to pay attention and understand what is being told to me. I think I will be able to try my hardest to learn the dance even if I find it difficult, mainly because I know people will be watching it and I don’t want to let down my dance group. Over the first few weeks of Kahaani I have learnt a lot about collaborating with new people, and how to listen and follow instructions closely. I have also learnt new dancing skills that I could possibly use in the future if I choose to do a performance like this again such as Culturama next year(LO1 & LO2). new experience for me, not only Overall, I hope the new experience of Kahaani will let me explore new opportunities maybe in the future if I want to rejoin Kahaani next year, or possibly looking at other dance opportunities.

EE Day Reflection

Today during EE day, I managed to do a lot of work and gather a lot of useful information from reliable sites in which the school provided to me. I learnt about the new site where I can find information and websites that are reliable and have good information for me to use for my work. The information that I have seen and read today has helped me to learn a lot of new useful information that I can use in my Extended Essay, important information that helps to build on my current knowledge, knowledge that I can use to expand the information in my EE. I am proud that I finally got the resources and websites that I require to consolidate my information and essay, the websites and information that I have found are very informative, valuable and interesting. The next step that I need to take is to finish finalising my outline fully, make sure that everything is clear and easy to understand for me, and start writing my essay bit by bit. I need to focus on fully explaining my information into the essay paragraphs as some of the concepts are more complex and hard to understand.


Initial Reflection

I have chosen a Psychology topic for my Extended Essay and my supervisor is Ms. Anne-Marie. During the first meeting that we had, we discussed the topic sentence that I was interested in, which was at the time ‘How effective is medical marijuana on anxiety’ which we decided had to be refined and made more specific and focused. . Since then I have refined my topic to be ‘How effective is medical marijuana on social anxiety in young adults’.

My research on my topic has been very interesting but not easy. I have found many resources on studies into social anxiety in order to firstly explain that issue, but I haven’t found too many studies into the connection between medical marijuana and social anxiety that reliable enough. In order to takle this issue, I will have to find better resources in my research to find more educational and reliable websites to further my research, which will take time and effort to search for good resources. Ms. Anne-Marie recommended that I talk to the librarians to discuss this further.

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