What Lockdown Has Taught Me…


Although lockdown has been quite lonely and frustrating at times, I have learned two very important lessons.

Learning in the time of COVID-19 is really frustrating and I realise how much I miss school. A big part of school is the interactions and connections with other people whether they are staff, cleaners, students, friends or teachers. School is very important and it boost both mental and physical well-being. However, I must be grateful for the school I go to in the sense of how much the school pays attention and cares for its students as well as being great school even during online learning. I live very comfortably compared to many other people around the world, so I have to look for the things I have. For crying out loud I even have a small pool. I might not be very rich or have a big house, but I have a great family culture that makes it very comfortable, cozy and relaxing to live in this environment. That is something I am eternally grateful for. I have learned a lot of new things from reading books, gardening, playing and practicing music, improving my flat ground skateboarding tricks and lots more.

The second lesson is more of a worry and hope for change. For me, it seems to be that climate change and environmental issues in general is the least of everyone’s worries in terms of problems for most people.  People feel like they don’t have the energy or time to think about the environment which is unfortunate but in many cases it is completely understandable. I sort feel like this pandemic is a glimpse to what the climate crisis can affect us. Although in some ways, the environment is getting better and that makes me feel so, so happy, people aren’t of course doing anything or have the time to think about the environment because of course, there is a pandemic going around. But I hope that when this is over, people will be more connected after the isolation and solve some of these issues around the world, especially climate change. But my worry is that this is not the case. I have also realised, that we can really help climate change by restricting our consumption and I think that is one fo the most effect strategies.

Anyways, these were just thoughts that have been circling around me and to really summarise, I am grateful for what I have and have learned that this isolation can really change us and hopefully the planet as well.

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