Turkey was the country in which I was born and I still regularly visit it as all of my family lives there. Having known it for so long I’m able to evaluate the political, economic and social change that the country is going through.

I believe that Turkey’s society is not perfect and has huge room for improvement, especially on the topic of environmentalism. Nowadays there are no environmental concerns and no enforcements from the government. Cultural differences are highlighted and portrayed as something to be ashamed of, pushing for a community of culturally identical people.

However, the worst factor that pushes Turkey’s society into despair is the fact that its government, gives absolutely no concern to its people. The only aspect that the people in power give importance to is the money they receive from exploiting the innocence and naivety of their supporters.

Turkish society is a long from perfect, it can even be classified as an authoritarian government, with at its head an all-powerful leader that hold in his hands the control of the entire country’s miltary, economy and people.



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