3 quotes from TED talk:

  • “There is no starting point for peace.”
  • “For me, it was really about the process.”
  • “We were listening to people and it was an amazing thing.”

Advice that we had to consider – When we all were going through the process of making the final logo, our advice was to keep it simple but not too plain. We also had to organize ourselves and communicate well as our individual logos were very different from each other’s so we needed to agree on how we wanted our final logo to look like. We all had to compromise on certain things that we had in our individual logo to make sure that there was enough space to use all of our ideas.

I really had to be self-aware and use my self-management skills when I was making my individual logo. I had to remember by myself to record everything that I was doing in the form of screenshots. I also had to be self-aware of the time and my actions in when we were all working in the group together. I had to be self-aware in the fact that I wasn’t making this logo for myself and instead for another company and I also had to be aware that not all of my ideas would be used in the final design and I had to compromise with others.

I think that my logo is a good fit for TEDX because it matches the client specification and also provides information in a simple way.

Link to our final design process –  https://docs.google.com/a/gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg/presentation/d/1mgzpz46kCy52SkhfMLqDu0azc5CrWs81dGREUY-3tbA/edit?usp=sharing

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