This is what social media does to you period.

Got you.

You must be wondering if this is another post bombarding social media. So no, it is not. Being born in the age of this “vicious beast” I too am a heavy user of this commodity and a victim to its undeniable charm.Which is what drove me to share today, my views  why social media is a neutral platform to communicate and share experiences.

Starting off with why we think social media is hurting us- Incase you HAVEN’T NOTICED YET ,there is so much pressure to look perfect.

what if i was as pretty as her ? what if i was accepted in this society as who i am …what if i could move around the city without having to smear makeup all over myself so that people don’t tag me as ugly ?what if botox wasn’t the answer to everything ? what if people didn’t judge me on my apparel and appearance ? what if having perfect lips and a perfect waistline wasn’t so perfect after all? what if i could say what i had on my mind all day, everyday without thinking about the criticism i’d face ? what if i could say no without hesitating ?what if i could be my own self? what if …

You see this? it gives birth to issues like anxiety, depression and could possibly lead on to suicides due to deteriorating self worth.

So now the question arises- what’s the cure ?SORRY.THERE ISN’T ONE.

There is no way one can avoid using social media; it’s like asking a chain smoker to give up cigarettes immediately or asking a seven year old to trash their favourite ice cream- next to impossible isn’t it ?

However to get out of this circle, one can practise safe usage of social media. You can set up screen down times where apps would be blocked for the time span chosen, which would give your mind a break and refresh.Be aware of what you upload on the platform because it may be used against you at some point.Pick up a constructive hobby and devote a major chunk of your time to it which you normally wouldn’t.

Finally, get off the device you’re reading this on and see the world:))))


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