October 3

Video about phones and teenagers

Slides on Video Preparation


iMovie Rough Draft Process

Link to my video draft 

The most important thing I need to work on to improve my film during next lesson:

  • add text explanation(e.g. “2 hours later”)
  • some parts of my talking is not clear, I need to retake some audio. And edit audio in general.
  • maybe: add B-roll + fun elements + different editing skill + music

My final film is meant to be 2-3 minutes, this means I need to cut down a little unimportant seconds from various sections to make the film more compacted.

Of my FIVE statements about social media, the one that is the trickiest to communicate in the video is phones make us exercise less since make us unhappy. I say this because this statement is basically saying that I need to be “unhappily addicted to phone”, which is obviously tricky and contradictory. If I want to show that I’m addicted, then I need to show that the phone make me happy, but at the same time I need to show that the phone make me unhappy.

Link to my final video 


ATL Reflection


I need to improve my time management, since I am struggling to meet deadlines. I’m good with easy tasks but I struggled to get start on the difficult task. I alway trying to do the work the night before deadline, for example the draft movie. Then on the next lesson I realized that the draft movie will affect my following work, but I’m not satisfied it. Then I need to continue with the old task and do not have time to do the new task. I kind of fall into a bad loop: I’m behind for once, and then I’m behind every time. To get out of the loop, I should find an extra time to work on Dper. I should have done it earlier. Also, I should set goals and expectations that are not difficult for me, so I will actually do it. Instead of setting a high goal and give up. I organized material very effectively, both physical material and digital.  I saved my footage in two locations(local and drive). We always keep our storyboards and notes together and never lose any of them. I put all digital resources(slides, video, notes) in Google folders. They are all very easy to find and it helped when I try to put everything in one piece.


Collaboration and communication:

I contributed a lot of ideas in the discussion of target chart. My partner is sean when filming. We have different goals on what the final video should be. We had a lot of discussion while drawing the storyboards(it’s obvious because his pencil mark is darker…). And I organize things into the Google Slides. The final filming is in the middle of our ideas, which shows that our collaboration is successful because we all contributed and agreed. One challenge would be that there’s no one filming for us, so we need to put the phone on a table and the angle of shot and the sound weren’t good. But we worked together and finished. I am being optimistic by liking my final result. I think we did good on communicating the 5 statements in the video. We tried to do it “show not tell”, which made the it slightly harder for viewers to get the information, but it also made the idea more consumable. If you look at the video and the 5 statements at the same time, it’s clear that we are communicating these.

Posted October 3, 2018 by Wang Sige in category Digital Perspective

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