April 20

What songs matter to you now?

What songs matter to you now?

What is your reaction to the essay you read and the song you listened to?

I briefly listened to the songs. My favorite song among the 25 Songs That Matter Now is ‘Old Town Road’ by LIL NAS X. I like the emotion conveyed in the music. I like the pace. I don’t actually know how to analyze music but I like it. I haven’t heard it before.


What is your favorite song right now? Was it included in the 25 songs list? How did you first hear that song? Did someone share it with you or is it from an artist you follow? What do you love about the song? Are there certain lyrics that you find powerful or moving? Is there something about the beat that you like dancing to? Does the musician’s personality or identity resonate with who you are or how you identify?

I don’t listen to songs that often right now. I used to have a list of songs in my music apps, a low accumulation over years for songs I like. But then I changed the phone and lost that list. A lot of songs are sometimes available sometimes not depends on how the apps buy from musicians. More trouble. Now I saved this collection: https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1Us411W7VE?from=search&seid=430287970353342676 A collection of Japanese instrumental music, without lyrics, just to play in the background to relax and calm down. I find myself prefer these eastern music instruments and the style. These music are all different in emotions. For the sections that I strongly resonate with, I will pay more attention.

Posted April 20, 2020 by Wang Sige in category English Learner Portfolio

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