Judy's Portfolio

The Story of My Learning Starts Here…

Tag: #IFP

Design An Activity-IFP

During Tuesday’s IFP session, we were told to plan an activity for either next year’s IFP training for the Grade 11 or for an IFP conference.

Our idea was based on an institute called “Institute for Multi-Track Diplomacy” and a “world game”. Below is what our group has came up with:

Proposal for next year’s IFP training:-

    • There will be two countries
    • Each country will have government officials of the ratio (1:15, one official for every 15 people)
    • These two countries will not be at peace with each other.
    • The two teams will be taken into different rooms at the start and evoke feelings of hatred towards the other team by telling them all the wrong done to them and telling them that the government officials in their team have the most power.
    • Towards the beginning of the session they will be given a list of Conduct Combat protocol :
      • Air strikes
      • Ground assault
      • Tank warfare
      • Naval engagement
  • Negotiation protocol :
    • Who to talk to
    • Make a deal
    • Getting what you need
    • Getting others to see it your way
  • The outcome we hope to get is that the two ‘countries’ will realize that just letting the government sort the issues is not very effective and that a multi track system such as letting the citizens be involved is more effective.

MY Reflection:

I presented our idea in the end. To me, it was my first time to actually represent my group alone and stand up to speak. I could feel other students were all looking at me which made me extremely nervous. To be honest, I did not present well. I was kind of stuck for a few seconds and continued to talk in a rather soft voice. Despite the fact that I did not present well and clear enough, I was quite proud of myself, being brave and confident. I believed that I can improve my presentation skills next time and I thought I need to speak more during every discussion and try to project my voice.

LO3 INITIATIVE (Planning and initiated activities)




1. Where is your learning going? How will you apply skills, qualities you’ve developed outside of IFP? 

In IFP, I have learnt many skills which can be applied in real life. During joint training at Dover, I collaborated with a group of five students both from east and Dover. We were supposed to plan and facilitate our own peacebuilding activities on school violence. It was a new and enriching experience to me because I have applied my knowledge learnt in IFP and actually came up with something interesting myself to attract and teach the audience. I became more confident after this facilitation and I learnt how to corporate with people which I might not know. I think teamwork is a very important skill to be developed, for example, during work, it is common to work with people you know or you don’t know; you like or dislike. I learnt how to solve disagreement among my team members and always listen to others suggestions, filter it and express your own opinion. You can’t just blindly follow others or always stick to your own opinions. I have also learnt that having one to one communication is important because it can leave someone feeling valued, understood and care about. It helps to build trust and make people feel safe to share. Besides, I think confidence is also very important when presenting your work because you should recognise yourself first before others recognise you. What’s more, I also recognise the power of social media like Twitter for the first time and how spreading of information can contribute to social movements.

IFP-Social Media

2. What have you learned about collaboration? Have you learned to be more effective when working with others? What’s your biggest obstacle when asked to contribute to a team?

I learnt how to collaborate with my team members who you know or might not know. During the collaboration, we should express our own ideas first and listen to others. Listening is very important because this allows us to learn from others and if we have any questions or opposing view, we can discuss with them. I learnt to be more effective when working with others by developing my communicating skill and in-depth thinking. My biggest obstacle may be to speak out my ideas. Because sometimes I am not sure about my ideas so I am afraid to tell my ideas to my team members. I am afraid that they will deny my idea.

 3.In what ways have you been a mentor to others this year? Where and when have you shown initiative?

I was the lead facilitator during the joint session. I was able to present and teach the rest of the students about school violence and I applied some of the peacebuilding knowledge when organising the activities. I have also been a mentor to my friends when they felt sad or stressed. I would chat with them and encourage them, giving my friends my best support.

 4.Which session has done the most to address your areas for improvement as a peace builder? How did that session encourage growth?

IFP Saturday Session


 5. What have you learned about leadership & what qualities and skills have you developed in IFP to help do this?

In my opinion, I think a good leader requires confidence, passion, knowledge and good communication skill. And I think passion is the most important quality. You should be passionate about something before you start doing something. Through the way of IFP session, I find that I am more passionate about peace-related issues and peacebuilding activities. Good communication skill is also very important as we need to be able to lead all the group members and facilitate the event. In IFP, I have developed my communication skill by discussing ideas and issues with different students and even present in front of the whole group which I would never do that back then. I have also become more confident by speaking in front of the whole group. I am very intimidating at the start but in the end, I stepped out of my comfort zone and expressed my ideas successfully. I have also gained much deeper knowledge about peace and conflicts.

What is peace and conflict?-IFP

 6.What has your engagement in IFP looked like your peers? What makes you say so?

My engagement in IFP is different compared to my peers. I am quite shy and not that confident compared to whom express their ideas verbally and confidently whenever the teacher asked a question. I tend to listen more and think through the question in my mind first. I am also willing to listen and accept people’s different opinions.

LO 1 AWARENESS (Increased awareness of strengths and areas for growth)

LO 2 CHALLENGE (Undertaken new challenges)/NEW SKILLS (Developing new skills)

LO3 INITIATIVE (Planning and initiated activities)

LO 4 COMMITMENT (Showing perseverance, resilience and commitment in activities)

LO 5 COLLABORATION (Working together to achieve an outcome)


IFP-Social Media


Record a conversation between you and one other person: what can we learn about social movements from stories like these? How could we use and encourage others to engage with #IFPUWC?


LO 6 GLOBAL VALUE (Engaging with issues of global importance)


IFP Saturday Session

On Saturday, we went to Dover for a joint training session about peacebuilding. It was a really exciting experience and I had many takeaways.

For our group, we were supposed to plan and facilitate our own peacebuilding activities on school violence.

Below are some pictures of our plannings…

It was a meaningful experience for me because it was my first time actually facilitating some activities and applying my knowledge.  I felt like I was the real “peace-builder”. I was very proud of myself as I made some contributions to our team facilitation and I step out of my comfort zoom to share my thoughts with the rest of the teammates. I was also confident enough to present in front of other students with my “loudest” voice.

Besides, we also discussed some issues within our UWC community and what questions do we need to be asking ourselves as an IFP community. This is what we came up…


Other photos:)



LO 5 COLLABORATION (Working together to achieve an outcome)
LO3 INITIATIVE (Planning and initiated activities)

Letter To My Mentor Group

Dear UZA,

We should discuss and analyze the poem “The Guest House” by Rumi during our mentor time.

The poem addresses that every day is a new beginning. We should accept and embrace all the positive and negative emotions. Joy, sadness, anger…

This poem links to how people can deal with conflicts and their attitudes and reactions towards the conflicts. We should always carry a positive attitude towards the “darkness” and be grateful.

This poem further links to our current unit about building relationship:)

IFP-Jah and Kah

In the last IFP meeting, we were given a simulation about two countries: “Jah” and “Kah”. We were split into two “countries” and I was a part of Jah. Jah is a poor country with less development and few resources but we as the citizens were fine with it. We were celerating our first independence day and we were planning to build a monument. While we were brianstorming the design for the special monument…

Our design for the monument: 

Materials: newspaper, pencils, toilet roll tubes, some rubber bands

  • The wings represent freedom and victory.
  • The drawings on the tubes symbolise our history background and there are three parts to it.
  • The bottom part represents our struggles in the past.
  • The middle part represents our development along the way.
  • The upper part represents our success.

A group of Kayns came to us. They stood right in front us and asked us whether we need their help. I was kind of surprised when they first came to us and many citizens in our country told them to go away. We thought that their task was to distract us from making the monument. The scence suddenly became chaotic. Many of us claimed that they were like intruders coming to our place without much respect. They simply sticked a poster on the board and started talking how we can make changes such as setting law policies. I felt like they were telling us how bad we were and we must make some changes. They were kind of rude…”strangers”…

This scenario paints the Kayns to be like us as the IFPs. They symolise the peacebuilders’ intention when they approached the Jahns giving ideas, offering help and resources to the Jahns. But the Jahns reaction was defensive, unwilling and unrecptive. They immediately told the Kayns to go away – this shows that they were prideful and territorial. Trust has not been built between the 2 countries.

On the other hand, I being the Jahn, while I was willing to listen to the Kayns, their approaching us was unexpected and uninvited. We felt they were intruding and that their intrusion was rather ostentatious. This is an important value that I see – a good intention to help must be accompanied with the right approach at the right time. The Kayns’ approach felt like a bulldozer.

I also realized how important is our behaviour in helping others and their situation, those who are different from us. We cannot just simply bulldoze in and give a speech without concerning the others’ feelings, needs and priorities. We cannot say ‘you are doing this and that wrong” but we need to take time to understand the needs of those we want to help and explain to them with patience. We should consider things from their perspective.


My nugget of gold today: Peace is Patience and Perspective.


LO 5 COLLABORATION (Working together to achieve an outcome)




  • Creates an intervention that is designed to prevent the start or resumption of violent conflict by creating a sustainable, positive peace.

We came up with a sign “I know you’re always right. BUT PLEASE KEEP TO THE LEFT!” (for staircase)


Passion Speech~IFP session

#Passion speech

During the IFP meeting, we did a soap box activity which involves all the students to stand in front the group and make a speech about your passion.

When I heard this, I felt very nervous and hesitated. I wondered: Does everyone need to talk for 1 minute? What should I talk about? Meanwhile, I looked around and I saw everyone had started writing. Then, I decided to talk about the inequality between rich and poor. I dropped down few points and the teacher asked us to move to another room and started sharing.

Who wants to go first? Silence echoed within the room…We all looked around and I guessed everyone was just afraid to go first. After a while, a girl got up and finally broke the silence. After that, many people got up and talk for 1 minute. Should I go? I am so nervous to talk in front of people. Do my accent sound good? What if I make many gramma mistakes… My mind was filled with these “excuses”. Finally, I had overcame my hesitation and I stood up, confidently, started to talk about my passion:

“Hi, I am Judy. I feel most passionate about the inequality between the rich and poor. Nowadays, the gap between rich and poor keeps growing. So there is a saying that rich get richer and poor gets poorer. It is actually a realistic phenomenon. Many poor kids do not have the access to basic education and they are even struggling for hunger. I think the government should give sufficient help for them. Another issue is that I feel like the society (the richer ones) are not giving enough respect to the poor. They think that they are more superior so the poor have the responsibility to serve them as they are the bottom ones. They do not care what poor people feel. ”

I find that sharing this is very important and meaningful as we get to know what other students think and their opinions towards that. I heard about many interesting aspects and issues about the world or even their personal life. Some are concerned about the gender inequality, some are passionate about racial issues, some like dance… This activity has widen our understanding about the differences and we understand more issues that we may not even notice or think about before. Moreover, I feel more confident about myself and I walked out of my confront zone–I could finally talk in front of the group. I did it!

I think understanding the differences is most important for PEACE building. Many conflicts happening including violent and non-violent are due to misunderstanding or bias. One should give others more understanding and talk about the problems calmly instead of using violent actions. Moreover, we should accept differences no matter who we are, where we come from or what our gender is. We should celebrate the differences.

LO 2 CHALLENGE (Undertaken new challenges)/NEW SKILLS (Developing new skills)


What is peace and conflict?-IFP

What is PEACE building?

Peace building is the building of sustainable, positive peace and long-term conflict resolution. Peace builders need to understand the nature of the conflict…

In Tuesday’s meeting session, we looked at a conflict in Syria and analysed it in small groups. We followed the Galtung’s ABC Conflict Triangle: attitude, behaviour and context. This is what our group came out:-

From the Syrian video and the group discussion, I came up with 3 divisions ideas and a couple of principles statement for myself.

  1. Uprising turns violent
  • Opposition supporters eventually took up arms, first to defend themselves to expel governmental security forces from their local areas. Initially, their original purpose was to defend themselves but sadly they ended up attacking & harming the innocents. The latter in response, also resorted to violence in the event to defend themselves. It forms a vicious cycle.

2. Decent into a civil war

  • Violence escalates and pervades human mind. It then escalates and pervades the entire society and the people. It has the ability to act like a dangerous and contagious virus. When that happens, civil war breaks out and its nation forgets about her shared identity. I begin to wonder aloud:-
    • Does war bring out the worst in man?
    • What is man’s instinct? To kill in oder to defend and protect himself?
    • Is man’s DNA to be violent in times of war?
  • Whatever the answers are, these all shows the importance of PEACE building!

Indeed, as I see it, Conflict has the power to bring about Violence if handled poorly:(

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