On Saturday, we went to Dover for a joint training session about peacebuilding. It was a really exciting experience and I had many takeaways.

For our group, we were supposed to plan and facilitate our own peacebuilding activities on school violence.

Below are some pictures of our plannings…

It was a meaningful experience for me because it was my first time actually facilitating some activities and applying my knowledge.  I felt like I was the real “peace-builder”. I was very proud of myself as I made some contributions to our team facilitation and I step out of my comfort zoom to share my thoughts with the rest of the teammates. I was also confident enough to present in front of other students with my “loudest” voice.

Besides, we also discussed some issues within our UWC community and what questions do we need to be asking ourselves as an IFP community. This is what we came up…


Other photos:)



LO 5 COLLABORATION (Working together to achieve an outcome)
LO3 INITIATIVE (Planning and initiated activities)
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