Drama reflection-video description

One example video demonstrates the theme, by adding background music, motifs and repetitions. The event of the theme is not obvious to speculate, that gives the audience a sense of mystery. The facial expressions of characters in the video are easy to catch. A significant moment is when two of the characters trying to overcome their difficulties, while the other two without actions. They add certain repetition in it, the clear comparison highlights the purpose.

I like the motifs they use in the video, interact with the characters in order to demonstrate their theme together. In the same moment, they use light spots to distinguish the emotions between characters. This can be a good way of comparison.

The importance of that theatre moment is that it served as a transition which indicates what is going to happen next. In the way, we are planning our transitions and set out the background storeis. This can be an inspiration for us.The expression tools they use can applied on our theme as well.

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