What is the most effective way that Atwood creates a repressive atmosphere in these chapters?

The Handmaid’s Tale is a dystopian novel based in the future, when the US has become the Republic of Gillead. Atwood has written this novel to reflect on the repression of females and aims to raise awareness on the objectification of female, although the setting takes place in Gillead, the same issue can be found in today’s society. By using Gillead as a background of the story, Atwood exaggerates the issue hence emphasises on the significance of the repression of women in the soceity.

In the novel, a societal hierarchy was established. Handmaids’ are women who possess fertility abilities, therefore used by the Commanders as a tool to reproduce. The Handmaids’ are deprived of their basic rights, in Chapter 1, the main character June/ Offred tells the audience story when the handmaids are trained in a gymnasium. The juxtaposition between the “past” and “present” of the gymnasium creates a sense of repression. The use of olfactory imageries such as “sweet taint of chewing gum and perfume”, “pungent scent of sweat” and auditory imageries such as “the music lingered, a palimpsest of unheard sound” created a contrast between the lively atmosphere in the school gymnasium and the dystopian repressive atmosphere now. The living conditions for the handmaids are also repressive, as they are assigned to be trained by “aunts”, whom is a more authoritative figure that aims to train the handmaids into tools for giving births. The handmaids can be seen suppressed and controlled by the aunts, as they had “electric cattle prods”, which dehumanises the handmaids thus creating a repressive atmosphere.

The repressive atmosphere developed even stronger when moving into the second paragraph. In the second paragraph, Atwood described the living conditions of the handmaids after they moved into a commander’s house. They lack of human rights and dehumanisation was further depicted, as they are even deprived of their right to suicide. From the quote “they’ve removed anything you could tie a rope to” and “when the window is partly open – it only opens partly”, an underlying message of the handmaids cannot suicide is conveyed. Furthermore, these quote can be interpreted as the fate of the handmaids are doomed, and they cannot escape from their role or reality. This hence created a repressive atmosphere, which also highlights the bigger issue of objectification of women in the society. On the other hand, the Commanders’ wives, who are supposed to have a higher status than the handmaids, also lack of equal rights. In Chapter 3, from the quote “maybe it’s just something to keep the Wives bust, to give them a sense of purpose” implies that even though they are Wives of the commanders, but they do not possess any authority or power. They are appendages of the commanders, and the lacking of meaning of their lives stated that they also cannot escape from this religious based, male dominated society.

Similar oppression and issues can be found in different classes of female in the book, Atwood uses the similarities in the different hierarchies to further create this sense of repressive atmosphere, which is resulted from the totalitarian patriarchy society.


project week

This is the planning document for our project week planning, although we did not get to go on the trip, but we still did a lot of prior research and planning. We decided to do a combination of activities and service, and we wanted to go to Thailand for this trip. We decided to do service due to the fact that all of us enjoyed working with services, and we believe that we can use this opportunity to provide as much help as possible. The service we decided to do is Children’s shelter foundation, where we can teach and play with the kids.

For our activity, we contacted 8adventures, the activity plan they provided was very interest, which includes a variety of outdoor exercises such as trekking, rafting etc. We wanted to do this programme because since this is an unique opportunity which we can explore lots of different sports, and rafting is new to me so I was really excited about it. Below are the email and the information of our planned schedule.

Although we did not get to go to project week due to the covid pandemic, we still learnt a lot from planning our own trip. This is the first time that I actually get to plan the whole trip by myself without any parents’ or teachers’ supervision. Throughout the process, we did not only learned how hard it is to be able to plan a whole trip, including booking flights and accommodations with a limited budget, but also learned about some of the global issues that occurs worldwide. Project week allows us to reflect on the issues and think about what we can do to the world regarding to these issues. 

CAS reflection – lighthouse

After getting more familiar with the disabled community, our service decided to design some in campus activities that works as a mini purple parade where students get to experience the life of people with disabilities.


This is the planning document for our initial plannings.

We also got to experience the culture of this community as we learned some of the sign language in service.

CAS reflection – dance showcase performance final refection

The overall experience was so memorable. It was definitely not easy to do four dances in total. The time needed to change and get ready was limited, and it was very stressful for me. However, I really appreciate this experience as it really brings me the memory of dancing in primary school. I used to do a lot of dancing in primary school and participated in various shows and performances. The time offered for us to change in between our dances was short as well, but this busy feeling makes me feel a sense of accomplishment. After so long I’m finally able to stand on stage again, it feels so nice to be back. There are definitely some struggles during the process, such as could not make it for some of the rehearsals due to the LoA, and trying to catch up with a new type of dance etc. I overcame this obstacles, and felt so proud and welcomed in each dance. The team work and vibe we had in our dances are so good, everyone is supportive and helpful. I remembered that during one light plot rehearsal I forgot to bring my costume so I asked if anyone have extra ones, people offered my help generously and it was absolutely amazing. I am very pleased by the final dance we showed to the audience.  I tried my best to attend to every session and showed commitment as much as possible, and I also found my value and identified my weaknesses through the process. I learned so many things from people and realised that everyone is talented.

CAS reflection – lighthouse motor skills season 3

Sometimes due to various reasons our service partner cannot come to our school. During these times, we try to focus on how we could raise awareness of the disabled community. We did many research on the disabled community in Singapore. Through our research, we got more familiar with the disabled community in Singapore and got to know some of the campaigns of it as well. Here are the links to some presentations and research we did on the Purple Parade, which is a festival for the disabled community and the Campaign see the true me.

Purple Parade Slides

See the true me Campaign Presentation

‘See the True Me’ is a public education campaign that encourages the public to see persons with disabilities for who they are instead of the disability they have. Organised by the National Council of Social Service, and made by the Tote Board-Enabling Lives Initiative. Learning about this campaign really helped us to understand more about what Singapore is doing to help the social stigma of people with disabilities and it helped to enlighten us on ways to approach the kids from the lighthouse school.Both of the campaigns aims to embrace people with disabilities by encouraging them with what they are capable of, and reinforcing the idea that although they might be having trouble in some ways but they are strong and independent individuals that do not need help in unnecessary ways. Sometimes trying to help them without asking might be against their wills and can be very disrespectful.  Something that truly fascinated my is that during the purple parade, there will be purple lights lit up in marina bay and gardens by the bay, and the size of this campaign is very huge. However, if we did not research on this, we might not even realise. This made me think about this global issue more as sometimes it is our responsibility to promote the campaigns and raise the awareness more as we are now equipped with related knowledge and should be spreading this knowledge to other people.



CAS reflection – dance showcase development

When I first came up with the idea of choreographing a solo, I thought that using a sword might be a good idea as it fits well with the theme of Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon. However, although in Chinese dance sword is a commonly used element, but I have never learned about it before and I taught myself the techniques of using the sword. By learning something that I have never experienced before I explored my potentials and limit. Choreographing process was also hard because many incidents can happen during this process. For example, sometimes my photobooth wouldn’t work and I lost some of my footage when choreographing. I also had some hard time of did not catch the footage when I had a very nice inspiration. However, from this experienced, I got to know what is like to actually choreograph a piece and what are some of the potential problems that could occur.

During the winter holiday I went back to China, and unfortunately due to the covid 19 situation I couldn’t find a place to choreograph and was later on the LoA when I came back to Singapore, meaning I couldn’t choreograph for a while. This also developed my time managing skills as I have to make the best use of time to finish my whole piece within a couple of months.

Here are some videos of my choreographing process.




CAS reflection – dance showcase

I auditioned for two dances, which are footloose and Chicago, and got in for both of them. Apart from theses two, I also decided to do a duet on a film that I really enjoyed called Five Feet Apart since this year’s theme is “A Night At The Movies”. Therefore I did not only get to experience choreographing a dance, but also joining a team ad dance with other people.

Both of “Footloose and “Chicago” are dances that I never tried before, so the experienced was remarkable for me. Footloose is a country side dance whereas Chicago is more jazzy.


In the drive there are some videos of the practice of the dance. From recording it, I can spot where I need to improve on. Something thats also really challenging for me is that during this period, at one moment I on the LoA and missed out a few of the practices, however, I did learn from the videos the leaders has recorded and sent them my videos so they know I am catching up with their progress.


学习者档案 – 《鲸骑士》





Witi Ihimaera,新西兰毛利作家,以英语写作毛利文化的先驱者。著有代表作《绿岩绿岩》,《葬礼》,《女族长》等。

























  • 自然和人类
  • 性别歧视和女性主义
  • 传统和现代的冲突





  • 鲸鱼
    • 老族长
    • 大自然
    • 毛利族群
    • 天人合一/大自然和人类的和谐共处


  • 烘托主题
  • 塑造形象
  • 介绍背景
  • 推动情节发展



  • “时机已到” – 人与自然重归于好的契机是卡瑚,强调卡瑚就是派凯亚。最后一章的时机已到意味着希望已经到来,这种每个章节之间呼应的结构让本书整体结构更加完整。
  • 每章都用神话开头,让神话称为一个线索,最后神话和现实两条线交错,使主题更加鲜明,结构更加完整。


  • 老母鲸和花娜妮相呼应,突出女性刚柔并济但是睿智的形象,突出文章的女性主题。


  • 从春到秋一直都是以朗威立的视角写的,第十七章的时候多重视角开始重叠,包括上帝视角,朗威立视角和鲸鱼视角。视角的复杂全面地塑造出了卡瑚英雄的形象,见证了卡瑚称为鲸骑士。
  • 第十八章的时候视角完全转变成了全知视角。视角的转变见证了展示了卡瑚的成长。
  • 朗威立眼里的卡瑚是需要保护的,脱离了叔叔的视角意味着卡瑚已经长大了,可以独当一面了,突出她就是鲸骑士。



P57 – 老鲸鱼向往和鲸骑士一起的时光,代表着他想回到人与自然和平相处的时代。

“一记闷雷在水底下隆隆响,有如远方一扇大门开启。” “整个大海响起令人敬畏的歌声,那是一首永恒之歌。” (塑造鲸骑士威武的形象)

“ 上方处,冰冻的大地受到一阵猛烈的狂风暴雨侵袭。下方处,… 大海平静的宛如超脱世俗之外。” , 冰从海面往下延伸成巨大的冰根,如棱柱般闪耀,发光,闪耀着一道道光线。” “ 冰涟漪般滑奏似的裂开,呻吟,颤抖,耳语” (营造出紧张的氛围,为后文的灾难进行铺垫)

“卡糊发出类似猫咪的声音,然后竖起耳朵聆听。大海却是一片无止境的沉默” (拟人,环境描写)

“他说话时,风儿也呼呼吹着” (塑造老族长威严的形象)

“滂沱大雨”、“不停有海浪将她淹没”、“海浪像是巨浪”、“海水冷得简直可以让我结冻” (塑造出卡瑚英勇的形象)





“派凯亚?卡瑚提亚特朗吉?” (鲸鱼视角)









