
1: What are the three most important characteristics of an entrepreneur?

The 3 most important skills for me is being passionate, resilient and being unique.

2: Which one would you like to focus on developing over the next 2 years.

The characteristic which I want to be focusing on is being resilient because when something stresses me out a lot, I tend to give up then. Most of the time I would start something off and never finish them.

3: How will you do this?

I will achieve this by trying harder and by making a business that I am super passionate about. Since enterprise is a whole new subject for me and it is different to what I have done in the pass, enterprise makes me feel like I have to try to feel good about the things I do. By doing something i’m passionate about and trying harder makes me more self driven (resilient) even when going through obstacles.

Dear Future Me

Dear future me

You should probably start trying in IB. Im sure after the first month or so in IGCSE, after saying to yourself “I will get good grades this year” you kinda just gave up. I hope by now you are actually starting to study more and more, hopefully back to video games, hopefully not being a complete loner and lastly grown into a better person. If you did go back to gaming, I hope you’re atlas mg in cogs xD. But if you’re not back into gaming, pathetic… and I can’t believe I’m gonna end up like you. Maybe your hatred for school has died down a little as you need to be smart of IB and getting into a university like NUS.

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