For this April mock exam, I chose to analyze the poem called “Rising Five” by Normen Nicholson. During the exam, I think I was able to have a good understanding of what the poet was trying to convey, but the manner in which I structured the essay, as well as the choice of techniques that I analyzed, could have been improved a lot more.

This is my analysis: Link

Things to Work on:

  • Organize my essay meaningfully – plan out the introduction carefully
  • Grouping ideas and not letting them run on
  • Include the literal meaning – what is literally being portrayed in the poem
  • Analyze lineation and tone more carefully

This is my rewritten intro, body 1, and conclusion: Link – Here, I tried to focus on including the literal aspects of the poem for the intro, while in the body paragraph I looked at grouping ideas and including some techniques I missed out on.