EE reflection

Learned – I have learnt about the western influences in Japanese society in many animation films; such as the effects of hip hop music genre on the series Samurai Champloo.

Proud – I am proud of the research that I have conducted on the parallels between past and present in Japanese society. It is commonly known that modern Japanese men have not inherited the traits of those in the past (Samurai). Samurai Champloo shows this by comparing and contrasting the two protagonists – Mugen and Jin. Jin is a representation of the past- formal, proper kata (techniques), nice, humble, etc. Mugen is a representation of the present- irrational, dirty minded, self-centred, etc.

Next – I will conduct further research on the anime and the relationship between hip hop and the past/present influence; how they affect one another and how it is cinematically shown. I will also have to re-watch the series and take notes on each episode.


I started by researching Miyazaki’s biography and possible events that had affected the movies. I proceeded to research interviews and commentaries of the movies. I have also researched the western imperialism in Japan and its effects on Japanese movies and animations. One problem I faced was finding interviews. Interviews and commentaries are a necessity for this task as it is Miyazaki’s perception of the films. This will allow me to explore his intentions and possible western influences on the films. I have not been able to successfully find a commentary as the two films were made 10+ years ago. I have successfully been able to research about his biography and the western imperialism and it effects on animations films, not only Miyazaki films. I have been able to find relevant information from many articles about the topics I have mentioned and that are related to my EE question.  My EE outline will be comparing and contrasting two Japanese animation films to show western imperialism.

Service Reflection 3 – change

Season 3 of Apex Harmony has started. This season, we have 6 new grade 9s as the previous grade 10s have left for their mock exams. This is week 3 of the new season and we have only visited Apex once. We have been planning activities for the past 2 lessons. From the first visit, I have noticed many changes. One change was the place and the residents. During the 2 week break, they had rebuilt a lot of the building. Many of the past residents we had worked with had spread out to different areas within the facility. This meant that we were making with new people. Another change I noticed was the change in myself. I am now able to communicate with the residents better. Looking back at the past, I remember how I was hesitant to start a conversation with the residents. This was because I was afraid that they could be in a bad mood, as mentioned in my previous reflection. Many grade 9 students are in a similar situation right now. By comparing them and myself now, I am able to see how I have developed my skills to communicate with the residents.

Throughout the next 2 seasons, I will try to help the grade 9s as much as possible. My next step is to overcome my comfort zone. Although my communication has developed, I believe I am still trying to stay safe in my comfort zone. This can be evident as I am not initiating the conversations.

LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

LO 6 Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

LO 7 Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions

Kahaani 2

Kahaani has finished and I am very proud of what we were able to achieve. Towards the end of the practise sessions, we were clearly unprepared. We would have many mistakes in the practice runs in front of other Kahaani groups. I think this brought our motivation down as we all became afraid of performing in front of parents and students. I am very grateful to our supervisors as they did not give up and motivated us to practice and work harder.

Kahaani has helped me develop my communication skills. As mentioned in my other posts, I become very nervous in front of large groups of people. This prevents me from asking a question during class. During the first few weeks of Kahaani, I was very ashamed to ask questions to the dance leaders and talk to my dance partner. Kahaani helped me overcome this by pushing me to the limit.

LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4 Show commitment to and perseverance in your CAS experiences

LO 5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Creativity #1 Kahaani


Our dance is supervised by Malika, Shrishti and Poorvi. Within the first 3 weeks of Kahaani practice, I have noticed multiple strengths and weaknesses, and skills I would need to develop (other than my dancing skills) (LO 1, LO 2, LO 5).

• Communication- Communication for our dance is very important, not only between dancing partners but also as a large group. During training, I found it very hard (as well as many of my peers) to keep up with the steps, as we had little to no dancing experiences. Communication with our dance leaders and others helps us learn and keep up with the training whenever we are lost.  Communication also takes part whenever the dance leaders are teaching to the whole group. Since our group consists of 20+ people compared to 3 dance leaders, I often found it very hard to listen to and keep concentrated on the steps the dance leaders teach.

• Collaboration- Collaboration was really important to work efficiently as a team. Most importantly, we had needed to collaborate with our dance partners. I often found that my partner and I would not be synchronised. We need to strengthen our collaboration and communication in order to dance well.

LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 5 Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively

Service reflection part two

During my third and fourth visit to Apex Harmony, there were multiple problems we encountered while doing our activities. Each student was paired up and organised an activity to do every week. These activities had to be simple, fun and had to improve the clients’ cognitive skills. On the fourth visit to Apex Harmony, the activity was organised by two grade 10 boys. The activity was to make the people follow a certain music rhythm. One major problem we encountered was that it was very hard for us to get the people to follow a rhythm. They would often play their own rhythm or did not understand what they were supposed to do.

During this activity, we were paired up so the students could teach the people with dementia how to play the rhythm. I was very focused and caught up on my own partner that I was unaware one person did not have an instrument although she was sitting next to me. This is one mistake I should often reflect back on as it is important to be aware of my surroundings and I should be helping as many people as possible.

Another challenge I face was the communication barrier. Although I was paired up with a person who could speak English, it was very difficult to communicate with her as she could not hear well, understand well and speak loud. One advice I got from my teacher was to use simple words and to talk clearly.


LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 3 Demonstrate how to initiate and plan a CAS experience

LO 4 Show commitment to and perseverance in your CAS experiences

LO 7 Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions


Drums is an activity I have been doing for 2+ years. All though I enjoy taking Drums lessons and learning new techniques and songs, one challenge I have been facing is how I become really nervous during performances and exams. In order to overcome this, I played in a band and performed in front of a stage. At the time I had support from my band members and was not feeling too nervous but, during exams where I am alone, I often become really nervous and cannot perform well.

LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process


My first service reflection

My first service reflection

My service is ‘improving motor and cognitive skills with Apex Harmony’. Here we help people with dementia improve their cognitive skills. After meeting my clients for 15-20 minutes one thing I noticed was the language barrier. Most of the people there were Chinese speakers making it very hard to have a conversation. Another interesting thing I found was the change in behaviour for people with dementia. Although the lady I talked to was very nice and kind at first when I asked ‘what board game are you playing?’ she became very frustrated and annoyed. One thing to keep in mind when I visit them next would be to make sure to not say something they would not like.

LO 1 Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

LO 4 Show commitment to and perseverance in your CAS experiences

LO 7 Recognise and consider the ethics of choices and actions



PSE is a very relaxing and intriguing class.


PSE helps me understand the feelings and emotions of others and myself. Being able to understand my own feelings will be really important in the future as we will be able to control our selves during the stressful times of IBDP. I do not believe this class will change who I am becoming but rather adapt with who I am ought to be. Others see me as cheerful, playful and honest. Most of my friends describe me as a very weird yet interesting person.

“How could I be wrong?” and other musings from a G10 student

I am actually happy with what I got in Q1 during the exam. I actually got a lot higher than I expected, mainly because I was able to put many points in each paragraph. Since I was a bit behind on the time, I was rushing a lot which made the quality really low. But, I got marks down for the quality of my answer as the paragraph and sentence structure was low. In my second try, I think I improved in the sense of the quality of my answer but I think the content was the same. I was not able to gain more points for the content. I have learnt that we have to explain each point and that we also have to watch our quality of the writing, not only the context.


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