ENGLISH – Six Word Stories #shorteries

Many of you found it challenging to write a six word story and/or the story-tweet. What are some of the reasons behind this challenge? How many more words would you have to write to feel “better” about your story?

Personally I agree with this because it was really hard to think of something. I think this is because that first of all it’s kind of hard sometimes to think of something to write about on the spot, and especially if theres a constriction. I think even if there was a bigger word limit, it would still be pretty hard because for me I don’t really count the number of words until after I’ve written whatever I’ve written so this is kind of different. I think it would’ve been easier to write a short story, and then shortened it after to six words.


Select one six word story that someone else has written. How do you interpret this? Are there other ways to read it? How do you know?

“Tears can often sound like laughter” by Clarice. I really like this one because she turned a really important topic into a six word story. The way I instantly interpreted this story was that people may seem to be happy or laughing, as she says, when they’re really suffering, sad or depressed. Also it could be interpreted that the tears are tears of happiness but I think the more commonly interpreted way is the first way. I asked Clarice and she meant it in the way that sometimes people laugh in a way that sounds like they’re laughing.

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