CAS – #circuitbreaker Reflections

In 1720 there was the plague, 1820 was cholera, 1920 had the Spanish flu and now in 2020 we have the Covid-19 outbreak. The last major pandemic was SARS which was in 2003, when most people in our grade were born.

What are you learning from your experience of the coronavirus as a global issue? LO6

Personally, I’ve never gone through an experience like this (that I remember) and I know that it doesn’t even begin to compare with the people who are on the front lines, people in places with more than 20,000 cases per day, especially those who are suffering from the coronavirus or a loss of someone important. However, we are all being affected by this virus whether it be big or small. During this whole situation, I’ve realised a couple of things. Firstly, I’ve learnt just how quickly things can change and how really anything could happen at any moment. There are probably many other ways to learn this but I’ve learnt to enjoy every moment you have with the people in your life because you never know when the next you’ll see them will be. As an only child, I quite miss my friends and people my age, so I’ve realised how important the communities I involve myself in are. Today I did an online training session with one of my boxing coaches, Sul, which was really fun because two of my friends participated as well. Had they left UWC several years ago? Maybe. But that’s not the point. Another thing I’ve come to understand a bit better now is how countries and people react to a pandemic. We were talking (virtually) about it in geography today, how the media and figures of authority can alter our perception – perhaps this is why there are such drastic discrepancies between countries…

How is it testing/prompting your ethical considerations? LO7

I’m not particularly happy with the comments that Chinese people are receiving, especially the ones who haven’t even lived in China for several years, or even EVER. In biology around February, we were talking about the UK’s response to the pandemic and how they were using the “herd immunity” approach. Yet they’re really not doing too hot. While I don’t want to judge other people’s behaviours, I’m not too sure why there are some people who seem to continue to attend mass gatherings while everyone else is locked up inside. ALAS. One thing’s for sure: the world will have definitely changed after this pandemic, whether is for better or for worse.


#LO6 #LO7 #circuitbreaker