• What are the three most important characteristics of an entrepreneur?

In my opinion the most important characteristic of an entrepreneur are: Collaboration, risk-taking, and grit. Collaboration because to be successful you need the ability to work with anyone and get jobs done efficiently no matter who is in your group. In the work place for adults they do not get to choose who they work with, they are expected to be able to do the job no matter who their co-workers are. I feel it is the same for enterprise. We do not get to pick our group and may not always be working with our friends. I am excited to see how my behaviour may change when working with different types of people in order to get the job done to the best of my ability. Risk-taking is another very important characteristic because, to be a successful entrepreneur you must see your opportunity and not be afraid to take it. But an entrepreneur must also understand the value in calculated risks. If it is obvious something will not work, don’t waste the time you have trying it out. Finally I think Grit is an extremely important characteristic of an entrepreneur. Have perseverance and the ability to learn from failure is what makes a great entrepreneur. I think that you not only need one of these skills but all of them. Having a balance of all these skills is what allows entrepreneurs to be so successful.

  • Which one would you like to focus on developing over the next two years?

I would like to focus on developing Grit over the next to years. I think it is a skill very useful not only in enterprise but in all other aspects of life too. The ability to get back up after failure and learning from it can help an extreme amount in creating my own business. I know not every idea will work out but that does not mean that every idea will fail. Having the ability to test and test multiple different ideas until I find the one that will work is a skill I hope to develop a lot further over the two years. I don’t think have been given a lot of opportunities so far in my life to test my Grit so I look forward to that aspect of this course.

  • How will you do this?

I hope to have a really good testing and business plan for each idea so that it is evident when one will not work. I also will focus in the creating idea’s faze and knowing that I may need back up plans if plan A doesn’t work. Not dwelling on failures and not getting to attached to a plan that even after it fails trying to continue it. A failure is the #1 best way to learn and develop my skills even further as an entrepreneur.


In class we took two different test’s about if we have the characteristics to become a successful entrepreneur. I did ok on the test’s but there are ways I could improve. I think I need to work on collaboration and not procrastinating.

Here are my results from the two test’s


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