Why Gen Z need to break out of the filter bubble.

I think that it is important for Gen Z to break out of the filter bubble because, it is limiting our perspectives on different topics. Continuing to only see things in our filter bubble, could result in more closed minded people and more conflict in the future. There could be serious conflicts or even war started in the future because we would have grown up only seeing whats in our filter bubble; never exploring anything controversial or out of the ordinary that may be outside of our filter bubble.  The internet is an amazing tool for connecting with people all over the world and gives us the opportunity to learn about different cultures, thoughts and perspectives. But if we are limited to only things filtered by our previous searches, we will miss out on all of that.


For me personally, I am afraid that with more and more filter bubbles people will stop seeing the important things that are being shared over the internet. Instead of hearing about controversial topics and world news, our feeds will be full of what celebrities are wearing. This could lead to disaster in the future because when there is a conflict or something controversial happens, we will have no way of dealing with it because we would have never experienced anything like that before. That is why I think it is so important that we break out of the filter bubble now so in the future we know how to look from different perspectives and interact with different cultures and people.

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