The Power of Art

Imagine a world in black and white. A world where art, light and expression are limited to only what is said. Imagine the disagreements, conflicts, oppression, sheer lack of humanity and meaning that would reign in an artless world. Art is how humans share thoughts and express feelings that go beyond words. Art can change the world.

Mark Nair – Artist

Mark Nair, a Singaporean artist, is one example, of how someone has used art to share his voice. Through it’s countless different forms, art provides endless opportunities to share ideas, connect with people, and give a voice to those who need it. Mark Nair does this by writing poems and photography series that display messages others may not want to talk about. He has been known to demonstrate controversial topics through his art. Mark has developed skills in art forms such as painting, photography and poetry. He uses his writing and art as a way to speak out about topics he is passionate about. Mark Nair is known to use his art to display and give a platform to world issues.

By being creative, you can change the way people think or get people to question their own ideas. Rather than just presenting facts and articles, art speaks to all people in their own personal way. Art can be interpreted differently every time it’s seen. Either clearly showing one message, or evoking questions in the minds of viewers. Abstract art and techniques, can lead to more in depth discussions about the meaning behind the art. This is one way of starting conversations and opening people’s minds to multiple interpretations which expands perspectives and connects people.

The beauty of each individual interpreting a piece of art their own way, is a prime example of how art is used to bring people together through igniting conversations and prompting questions. One of the ways that art can change people is as simple as just opening their minds to ideas and conversations they may have had before.

Recently, during one of his talks, Mark Nair spoke to the students of UWCSEA Singapore about “Writing Against.” This is what Nair has said to be a way of finding one’s voice, through speaking to the public about things that need to be discussed. He has been doing this in his books and his poetry. His poem “Plastic Pelago” was an example of him using this form of art to discuss an important world issue in an interesting way that others will want to hear and listen to. He gathers his inspiration through the media and his environment to develop an “itchy eye” and see things that others may miss. He has said that in order to be most successful in “Writing Against,” we need to spend time finding our own voice in order to know what we want others to hear from us.

Not only can art bring people together, but in a more personal way, it can be used to discover one’s true identity. “Art is the most intense mode of individualism” said Danny Tan a Singaporean artist. He is a great example of someone who has used art and the environment around him to discover himself.

Danny Raven Tan

He turned to art as an anchor, to help him through the toughest parts of his life. He faced pancreatic cancer and depression in 2010. This is something most for us would never wish upon our very worst enemies. Yet still these challenges and obstacles are what can break even the strongest people. Danny Tan almost let himself be beat by this. He said that during his darkest and hardest times, there was no other way for him to turn other than to the dark thoughts of suicide. But, with the support of his friends, family and faith he was able to get through these hardships and throw himself into his art. He experienced the worst challenges possible and used his art to learn something from them. He immersed himself in art and creative energy.

Art saved Danny Tan.

We all go through impossible challenges in our lives. Art is an amazing way to take those hardships and challenges and turn them into strengths. If nothing else, art is an escape and a release from reality when we need it most. Art has the power to bring people together, call out those in the wrong, and provide an anchor to those drowning in enormous challenges. Either to be used to discover yourself and who you truly are, like Danny Tan, or used to share your voice and make a change, like Mark Nair.

Through its countless forms art appeals to everyone. Art can be used in so many ways; big and small, loud and personally. Without art the creativity, expression and beauty that flow through all of us would stop and the world would be left in darkness and immense sadness. Through people, culture and, community, art has the power to change the world.


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