August 21

Maths and Me

I am Gloria, I had FIB Math last year. I think feelings might be associated with mathematics are interesting, confusing, patient, hard-working. I have curiosity and concern about starting this course.

My mark is a little bit to the right in the middle of the line because I will try to figure out the answer by myself first, but I won’t spend too much time on it and gain no progress, so I will ask for help if I am stuck. if I am stuck in mathematics I will think first, then find some useful teaching videos try to find the solvent, my final solvent is to find someone for help.

In my past experiences, if it is not me who worked out the question, I would analyze the answer and the way it works to make sure I will be right next time if I get the same type of problem, and that how I successfully overcome misunderstandings.

Persistent, flexible and Optimistic are the three biggest strengths in learning mathematics. In addition, inquiring/questioning, adaptable and interested are the three biggest areas of focus for my math in the first few weeks of Grade 11.

I am an English learner, so I might need some help with vocabulary in the study, that is the thing I want my math teacher to know about.

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