Practice IO – Little red cap – Notes

  1. Timing
  • I spent a lot more than a minute on introduction but I think it was necessary to give it a context
  • I wasn’t very sure of how to end the oral

2. Structure and progression (into; conclusion)

  • I think overall, i had a structure although i went off the path some of the times

3. Did you discuss context? Relation to the wider global issue or focus of your exploration?

  • I discussed a lot of context around why she might have wrote the poem. I think I was able to discuss the real life issue around the theme of identity

4. Ideas and technical aspects: did you get a balance between discussing the two?

  • I talked a lot about the use of symbolism within the poem and how it affects the reader’s understanding, conveying on what she wants to address

5. What will you ‘feedforward’ to your next practice?

  • I tend to repeat the same idea over and over again so make sure i clearly know what i want to talk about
  • Use more precise words to explain ideas
  • Talk slower and more precisely because I tend to hurry and speak faster which may be unclear some of the times
  • i was very nervous when before the oral so I think one of the things i need to work on is calming down which can be very important

Woman’s world general analysis 1

Graham Rawle

  • Visual artist (Multimodal text) “Combined reading of both text and image to form a new language


  • 1960s England
  • Suburban setting (in between city and countryside)
  • post WW2 – focus on family, a typical setting of the era


  • Ironic
  • Wryly humorous


  • Mass production
  • Convenience centered e.g. electricity, machinery

Idiolect of Norma

  • She wants to be validated and recognised
  • Norma says that her brother roy is very “caring” and “daring”. This is how Norma would have seen Roy as, if she was alive
    P23 – “Roy must have ordered them in secret”

How to write an essay for advertisement

  1. Opening paragraph
  • Thesis: Argument – overall interpretation of the advert (What is it trying to say)
  • Context
  • Stylistic features e.g multimodal (meaning the advert uses both text and visual representations)

2. Body paragraph

  • Micro-focus – details – link to main thesis
  • talk about typography

3. Conclusion

  • Reiteration or echo of main thesis
  • Last impression
  • Link to details

Key things to focus on

  • Direct address to audience: Synthetic personalisation – This is where mass audience is addressed but it feels as if an individual is addressed e.g. advert, political rally
  • Hypophoric questions: A question is asked and then answered
  • When writing an essay – what (idea/interpretation) + How (is that conveyed)
  • Context, text type, audience, purpose, style

Advertisement analysis – Lux (soap for stocking)


  1. Describe what you see in the advert 
  • The woman’s whole body is portrayed while man is half cut off 
  • The light turned on in the background is used as a spotlight to capture the scene. 
  • The product Lux is at the bottom corner of the advertisement – problematise the stocking and lux as a solution at the end
  • The woman and man are both dressed neat with nice furniture they are sitting on (seems to be a fancy living room) 
2. The text multimodal
  • Around 50-50% the proportion
  • There are two visual texts
  • One of them is the big scene in the left side and the middle
  • The other one is in the bottom right corner – that is a picture of the LUX 
  • There are also two parts of the written text
  • One of them is the big headline at the top
  • The other one is a longer written text (although in smaller fonts) at the right side
  • There is also a big graphic arrow in the bottom left corner, with written text on it
3. Composition and layout 
  • The shape of the frame in which the scene is set narrows down into the woman’s leg, with a large arrow pointing at her leg – puts emphasis on the leg 
  • No one is looking straight at the camera, it seems like a snapshot of a part of a scene
  • The written text is around the snapshot, although it is heavily on the right side. Since people read from left to right, the photograph comes first before the text so it leads the customer to see the problem and then see the solution 
4. Describe the people and their relationship
  • Even though they are at home, they are in a neat suit and woman with full make up. This suggest how their relationship is not close between them and they care about how they look
  • Their eyes are not met, they don’t seem to be close
5. What is foregrounded
  • There is only one part, where the texts overlap each other: the big graphic arrow is on the picture which shows the man and the woman -> the arrow cover the man’s lower body and legs, while emphasizes the woman’s legs (and lower body)
6. Connotation of the visual image 
  • There’s a man (assuming he is a husband), who is dressed in a neat suit, (and meant to read a newspaper) staring down at the woman’s (assuming she is a wife) legs and stockings
  • The man seems to be judging the woman’s appearance on her leg while the woman seems as if she doesn’t care much (she concentrates on her knitting)
  • The man is sitting in a lower position than the woman, whose figure is emphasized in this way too
7. Connotation of the text/word
  • The word ‘married?’, as a question is in bolt capital letters at the top left corner -> that is the first thing that catches our eyes, and through this, it is highly emphasized
  • Right after that, a judging, quilt provoking sentence comes (which is longer than the previous) in slightly smaller size (not capital, but still bold)
  • Underneath, at the right side, next to the image, the length of the lines of texts getting longer, but the font sizes decreases at the same time
8. Typography of the advert/ emphasis on certain words
  • Catches eyes of the audience with a large font “Married?” which is the first thing we will most likely see, this targets the married audiences
  • Small but with bold lettering “save elasticity” which is the ultimate function of the product. If people are skimming through, the advert, they will be able to capture the target audience, function, and how this product will help the audience
9. Mood and tone
  • The mood is very tense, though the use of the man’s sharp eyes on the woman. This makes the advert relatable because at that time, women experience these things a lot
  • The tone of the text seems very cheerful and positive. 
10. Values and assumptions reflected in the text
  • The whole advert is based on the idea how the wives have to do everything they can to stay attractive to their husbands after the merridge -> male dominance
  • The adverts assumes that using LUX, they can keep their stockings nice and perfectly run-free, so their husbands would admire them (again? After the merridge)
11. Brand or product promoted 
  • LUX is a kind of soap, well-known about its gentleness
12. Identity, context, audience, purpose, style 
  • Identity: women represented in a way that they are careless about how their husbands want to see them -> the advert suggests that they should do care, and it offers the lux soap as a perfect solution; the lux can help the insolent, maybe a bit not-knowing wives to favor their husbands and become truly attractive to them, as the wives should do
  • Context: when was it released?
  • Audience: Young housewifes
  • Purpose: broadcast the image that with lux they can become more caring, better-looking and more perfect wives who do know what their husbands need
  • Style: the women are in the foreground, but their ignorance to fulfill their husband’s need is emphasized. The narrator tells them off a bit at the beginning, because they do not care enough; the judgy look on the man’s face in the picture supports this too

Why are portrayal of disability so rare in advertising?

Overal summary

  1. Medal winning Paralympian and TV presenter

Sees the need to “represent and reflect society as much as possible” and “break the norm”

2. Director of Channel 4’s 2016 paralympics trailer

It was his first time doing the shots with people with disability, but he learned a lot of new things. he thinks to include these people more often.

3. head of campaign

Media should play more roles to help challenge societal stereotypes since it holds large power to influence people



Advert analysis

  • The shot is focused on her facial expression rather than the disability: It is presenting her willingness and her positive attitude towards the work
  • Emphasise the words “able” and “can”: focusing on what she can do rather than what she cant do
  • The bolded text: declarative statement which is what the advertiser wants to tell us
  • she is straight looking at the camera: suggests her confidence – disability doesnt define her as a person/ as a type writer
  • The page is b/w which suggest it is old: at that time stereotypes and discrimination against disabled people were more obvious, and this is challenging the idea

Chimamanda Ngozie Adichie – Stereotype

We redid our visual map and this time we were able to use both visual and written work. It was better than how we did last time because it was in a way that if a person who hasn’t watched the video sees it, they are able to follow what the important message was. We focused on th stereotypes; what people think it is and what it actually is.


Video here:

Dolce & Gabbana

The use of chopsticks in the advertisement is symbolic of chinese culture because it is the tool that is used everyday for the chinese people to eat, and survive. The woman who mockingly tries to use chopsticks to eat Italian food can be seen as offensive towards the chinese culture. In the advertisement, the portion of italian food is very large and the woman trying to eat it with chopsticks is acting as if she is having a hard time, in a very exaggerated manner. The Italian food is represented as if they have a higher value seeing the fact that chinese woman struggling to eat italian food, to a certain point where chinese chopsticks doesn’t serve its purpose anymore. This can also be implied that italy has higher power over China and that China cannot get as good as italy. Moreover, the stage accessories that are thought to provoke chinese culture in the advert is wrongly use, some not even one of china, this shows their seriousness towards chinese culture. Such large companies should be careful when representing another culture, since their audience is a large group of people and one wrong act can lead to damaged image of the company. 


Another issue presented here is the relationship between the man and the woman in the advertisement. The man, who is not in the frame is talking to the woman in such a paternalistic manner. This suggests the gender inequality, where women in shown as if she cannot do anything without a man’s help. This is further emphasised when the man praises the woman saying “good job” in a very exaggerated and patronising manner. 

Dolce & Gabbana

Write a detailed paragraph (300-350 words) which is evidence of your thinking about representation.


The use of chopsticks in the advertisement is symbolic of chinese culture because it is the tool that is used everyday for the chinese people to eat, and survive. The woman who mockingly tries to use chopsticks to eat Italian food can be seen as offensive towards the chinese culture. In the advertisement, the portion of italian food is very large and the woman trying to eat it with chopsticks is acting as if she is having a hard time, in a very exaggerated manner. The Italian food is represented as if they have a higher value seeing the fact that chinese woman struggling to eat italian food, to a certain point where chinese chopsticks doesn’t serve its purpose anymore. This can also be implied that italy has higher power over China and that China cannot get as good as italy. Moreover, the stage accessories that are thought to provoke chinese culture in the advert is wrongly use, some not even one of china, this shows their seriousness towards chinese culture. Such large companies should be careful when representing another culture, since their audience is a large group of people and one wrong act can lead to damaged image of the company. 


Another issue presented here is the relationship between the man and the woman in the advertisement. The man, who is not in the frame is talking to the woman in such a paternalistic manner. This suggests the gender inequality, where women in shown as if she cannot do anything without a man’s help. This is further emphasised when the man praises the woman saying “good job” in a very exaggerated and patronising manner.