TOK – Reasoning and Perception

RLS: “Man who took part in threesome gets jail, caning for rape”


When dealing with rape and any issue surrounding it, I think there is an issue surrounding the reliance of testimonies as evidence for rape cases given the issue of reasoning and perception however the neglect of evidence as a whole is often present in these cases as well.

Testimonies in their nature are an individuals memory of events. I think that it is almost impossible for testimonies to be “factual” or without bias as each individual perceives a situation differently. In the case of rapes, different perspectives will provide different testimonies of the events that occurred. With this, the issue of sympathy can occur, especially with the ‘victim’, as this word itself brings a connotation of vulnerability. And vice versa, this would apply with the words ‘accused’ and ‘rapist’.


In the article, we are introduced to a case of rape that resulted in two men behind bars with a sentences of 17 and 19 years. I think that the sentences and the process in determining these charges are heavily influenced by the reasoning presented by their representative lawyers. By manipulating evidence, I think lawyers are able to influence those who are required to stay objective. To me, this brings the question, regardless of where the evidence points and what the truth may be, does language override these factors in determining guilty or innocent?


“Srihari’s lawyer, Mr Ravinderpal Singh, argued that his client was just 20 years old at the time and is a first-time offender.”


This is an example of how truth and evidence is sometimes neglected in such cases and instead, people try to justify actions based on age, history and other excuses. As this may have been applicable to a younger target, we cannot neglect the idea that many laws consider the age of 18 to signify adulthood. Given the existing issues with youth still committing crimes of great extents and the generalisation of youth, we alter the influence of the confessions of the men and use their youth as an excuse. Furthermore, the excuse of a first time offence, should not influence ones perception of the raw events that occurred however the language


Posted in TOK

One thought on “TOK – Reasoning and Perception

  1. Thank you Rebecca for this. It’s a great example; and a really rich intersection to do with reasoning, Essex, human sciences, evidence, perception and so on.

    I guess in this case we would argue that there is some truth; And that we have to do our very best to get to it. It seems unethical to suggest that there are only perspectives, And that there is no ‘truth’. However, as you point out,It is very very difficult to know how to get to the truth. Even discussing the case means using language which tends to push one toward one perspective or another.

    This is a very promising first post; well done. Looking forward to seeing what else you come up with across the year!



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