Unfortunately, due to the outbreak of the coronavirus during season 3 of Bedok Peace haven, we were unable to visit the centre as the elderly are especially prone to contracting this virus. In response to the situation, we have used these sessions to plan out courses of action that we can start implementing at the start of April. In addition, the service department has held a conference to brainstorm the possible ways in which we can continue to help the service for the time being. For instance, we would like to use posters and banners advertise the new centre that will be ready at the end of March for both youth and elderly, seeing as we have the resources in school to do so. We discussed the idea with Mr. Hannah of printing banners that can be placed around the neighbourhood. By doing so, we will be able to draw the attention of targeted individuals within the community.

Not to mention, with the addition of new grade 9’s in our service, we have also spent time introducing them to the short-term goals and long-term objectives that we hope to achieve by the end of the school year. With their enthusiastic approach and commitment towards the service, we are all looking forward to utilising their strengths and talents to ensure that the service continues to accomplish what we have set out to do.

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